
Sunday, November 14, 2010

蔡细历:马华不擦鞋 “一个大马”有助经济转型









南洋商报 (14-10-2010)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can MCA fight like DAP? fought for the people rights irregardless of who the opponent is. From where i am (as laymen), MCA was not longer regarded as protector or a fighter for the chinese community. If you want to change that impression, then change that attitude. Many still looking for their leaders, for themselves, their race and their religion.

Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.