
Monday, August 11, 2008

Cancellation of Bar Council Forum




In my last posting, I pointed out that one of the attributes the next MCA president should have is the ability to speak out for the Chinese community and for Malaysians of all races and religions. So far, I have not heard much from my party's senior leaders about how they feel about what happened at last Saturday's Bar Council forum on the effects of Muslim conversions. Perhaps they are still busy campaigning. Some of my party's leaders are also busying themselves with talk about morality and apologies, instead of making a stand on an issue which concerns us all.

For me, the very thuggish behavior of the protesters (UMNO, PAS and PKR combine) has caused me much distress, as I am sure it did all right-thinking Malaysians regardless of race and religion. I have always believed that all Malaysians are entitled to their own views, but not to the extent of using aggression and the threat of violence to shut up those with whom we do not agree. This has caused much fear and concern, especially in the hearts of the non-Muslim community.
There is no doubt now that many in the non-Muslim community feel marginalized by the creeping Islamisation of the country and its institutions. This does not mean that non-Muslims are anti-Islam. I believe that most of the Muslim community understands this. However, the thuggish behavior of last Saturday's protesters will have done much harm to whatever trust which has been built up over the years.

The MCA, as the biggest non-Muslim party in the BN coalition has a responsibility to speak up. The party must stand up and be the instrument by which the non-Muslim community can articulate its feelings and frustrations to the BN leadership, or risk being condemned to the political scrapheap of this country. I have noticed some criticisms of late about how I was also to blame for my party keeping quiet over many issues in the past few years when I was still a vice-president. To these critics, I will tell you this. I will take responsibility. None of us did enough. The results of the March elections have thought us that we all should have pushed harder to maintain our role as leaders of the Chinese community. But we must now look forward. And the MCA can no longer afford to make such mistakes again.


ScorpionStar said...

Unfortunately, that's not the case. The government conveniently put the whole blame on the forum organisers for not being sensitive.

How long does the government want to hide behind this excuse "SENSITIVITY"? They are not willing to take the bull my the horn, only beating around the bush!

Are non-Muslims slaves? Don't they have a right? Communication is the only way to solve issues otherwise problems remain.

ZORO said...

Dear Dr,

You know very well who were behind all these nonsense.The leaders are the ones behind it, and it's a shame that these so-called leaders of the country can do this kind of thing in broad day light as if they have been doing the right things without even looking at themselves in the mirror. How can you expect progress with this type of mentality and leadership? It's very inconsistent; one day they tell you one thing and next day they can change their behaviour just like that just in order to suit their interest. To these leaders I just have to say "Good Luck" my countrymen, may god guide them in the right path with some senses. That's all!
Can we change them?

ZORO said...

BN will be irrelevant by next election and I think MCA should consider pulling out of the coalition if necessary.Time to say good bye, teach them a lesson by 16-Sept-2008.

Unknown said...

Looks like MCA will never change.
Its leaders are quickly satisfied with ministerial posts and honours.
It has over the years evolved into a party with no strong opinion that will make its senior partner notice.
Looks like it is perpetually happy serving as a lapdog to UMNO.

Datuk Seri,
Why don't you leap ?

jrajster said...

Thanks Dato Sri,

A belated comment is better than no comments.

The whole episode is caused by nothing but fear and anxiety of Malay Muslims. This is where the non-Malay leaders like you could play a vital role to assure Muslims of our true intention while assisting non-Malays to wither their prevailing problems.

I’m sure you too could join me to vouch for any non-Malay regardless of his race and religion that questioning Malay rights under article 121(1A) is not even the last thing in his mind. All one wanted to ensure is the wife and children of a convert are protected and to be given equal justice. Hence, all I wish to see is that our leaders take firm stance to address issues of religion in affecting all non-Muslim Malaysians.

Apart from what I mentioned above, I also wish to share my view on how non-Muslims could address conversion to Islam on their own for now.

I believe non-Malays in Malaysia could find some kind of solutions if they are willing to address these pertinent problems as we make up almost 10 million of the Malaysia’s population. But unfortunately nothing concrete has been seen or done other than having forums or talks thus far.

One of the things they could consider is by mooting “an irrevocable nuptial agreement” covering all non-Malays in Malaysia. This could be done very legally involving couples and their families. The said agreement could include all relevant matters such as disclosure of conversion, assets, and rights of children custody and so on that both parties must observe in the event of conversion to another religion by any involved party. The party who intend to convert without the consent of the marriage partner must be made to indemnify the losses incurred to the partner.

In making this official paper more credible, we could also make our respective religious council officials as the MUST witness for every such agreement. Though we do not have much legal standings to question Muslims, we could initiate all the necessary precautionary measures legally and religiously to prevent ourselves from victimizing our “present family members” while we are “Sober”. Currently the marriage certificate in Malaysia is regarded nothing more than a piece of paper confirming the relationship between two parties. According to syariah, upon conversion to Islam this piece becomes null and void. Hence, with an additional condition called Nuptial Agreement I believe something could be looked at in a realistic way.

I believe the Muslims on the other hand have no basis to question Non-Muslims decision to have such nuptial agreement as it would be done before conversion. An attempt is worth more than doing nothing at all. I’m no legal expert, but do believe it could be viewed as alternative solution.

colorless said...

MCA is part of the system as long as BN is dominated by UMNO. MCA can play hero in the eyes of the public and shout till the cows come home but UMNO don't give a shit. MCA will be steam-rolled in GE13 if they are hoping for a better showing under BN-Umno.

NEIL said...

Dr,So now finally you speak and you speak the language we now can understand especially 'to these critics,I will take responsibility'. Now,where are all the big mouth mca.Let them come out with a convincing statement and with the language we chinese can hopefully understand.Come on MR ONG KAH TING.

Ghifari X said...

Malaysiakini hates Islam and Muslims.
By Davy de Verteuil, Trinidad & Tobago
Malaysian(kini)blogs forcing consensus by highlighting one side of the story which throws an unfair blame towards its Muslim majority. It behaves like wise the MSMs which hates Islam and Muslims though attempts to de constructing dialogue with ulterior motives. Dare you take this issue by the horn - for it ain't a bull you will be dealing with. Rwanda, El Salvador, Bolivia, Bosnia, Kosovo Lebanon ain't bulls but examples where the wise may learn and forums of hatred fail to see the inevitable.
1. Why the Bar Council idea should not be considered malicious and provocative?
2. What dialogue is the Bar Council "you" seeking from a people with a 1400 year custom?
3. Why is the Bandar Kulim MP label a hard liner now?
While your claim of India like China having more Muslims than Malaysia that does not denote the influence and founding institutions by way of numbers, Malaysia is a sovereign country and no nation sovereignty is determined by its size.
For your information Islam and Muslims are violently kept in check both in China Kashmir and India proper. So have a good look before you attempt to trivialise the Malays inalienable right to guard their customs and way of life.
However I implore the Malay people; it is not proper that you refer to your fellow humankind as pigs- this is an insult also to God and His messengers. We are all part of the human family created by GOD and this goes against the essence of Islamic enlightenment.
Have the ‘Bar Council’ not realized the hatred from respondents in the many blogs in Malaysia from all sides?
What are you telling us that this reactionary behaviour is entirely the Muslims fault also?
I disagree with the name calling yet I refuse to pander to the Bar Council’s condescension of innocence as they claim that the call was merely to discuss. The Bar Council’s determination and wilful defiance, its sarcasms betray the rational here. This is not a professional institution representing issues of Law and Justice but a group rearing to displace a people and their indigenous right. The Bar’s actions are fraught with ulterior motives and could erode the little trust form the nation’s majority.
In my honest opinion this group of legal individuals have attack the constitution of Malaysia as they use their offices to challenge and turn over the constitution through an assembly outside of parliament.
This isn’t freedom of any kind rather it’s a recipe for anarchy neither is this the defence of any community but an affront to disenfranchise the other. The Bar Council acted like a legal and intellectual entity toward bulling the Malays.
SENSITIVITY is a valid excuse,it is reality and the many wars fought are as a result of arrogance over SENSITIVITY. Riling any group of people invigorates extremism and the Bar Council should blame itself for the near fracas it brought about. Transformations are taking place in South &Latin America and in Africa where the indigenous have been marginalised brutalised that left various cultures extinct as the Élite are on the offensive yet here in Malaysia the Early people are told that their ways and customs are unacceptable which form a historical point of view goes against the very grain of freedom liberty and justice.
To All quarters, until you all come to appreciate that none can move the sun and the moon from where they stand there will always be antagonism.
The Bar Council attempt to diminish indigenous Muslim rights and customs in an all too pretentious dialogue is a betrayal of civility and boarders on a malicious coup, they know all too well that attacking Islam tantamount to declaring war on its forbearers.
Perhaps they were testing the soil but they were overwhelmed by a small band determined not to spare as much as a spark.
The March 8 election results and the current political uncertainty was not due to Muslim or Islamic traditions in Malaysia but that failures for accountability unbridled corruption and ineptitude across the board were dragging the nation down.
There are elements (Bar Council)who believe that this is an opportune moment to belt the Muslims and ransom the country of its norms and founding traditions- well sorry....That demo sound a warning otherwise.
And for those of you sighting the US as an example on any issues of democracy freedom and justice - by GOD you don't have to go there - just read....I lived and was educated in the US and Canada; you have no idea of the US except for its Hollywood and media fallacies impressed on the rest of the world.
Judging from your disgusted ill or uninformed or both; points of views I can only ask: are you all happy with the slaughter of over 1million Iraqis and the pretext by which this mass killings were executed? For your information they weren't all Muslims though majority are and the thousands of brown Christians who were considered collateral damage that perished.
I have not read or experience similar out pouring of hatred towards Britain and the US as I am witnessing here both by the host blogger and its contributors.
How dare you site America as an example where it contains the biggest prison population in the world/history and the black brown and chinky eye peoples are often targets of abuse due to inherent unrepentant racist that forms America's reactionary safety valve?
Why is it that in Malaysia the indigenous have to surrender their traditions and customs because it is deemed unfair when at the same time the "Bar Council” wishes to invoke your customs and perceived rights as equitable and just? Aren't the Malay Muslims losing their rights then? I am not afraid to say this; The Malays like everyone else are this nation, but they Malays are the earlier ones; like it or not, that carries a lot of weight as much as Right.
I will always know my rights in the house of my in-laws no other method in adoption will have me fooled.
From the desk of an Arawak African & Indian in ‘ONE’ on the beautiful Islands in the Caribbean.
Arawak is a people or tribe who is refer to as American Indian or Red Indian.
Indigenous rights are my struggle- No apology.

Pearls said...

Comments made by Najib and that moon face Law Minister are so unbecoming. Infact, these UMNO buggers are the ones that fan the whole damn thing out of control. Before and after!!

As a deputy Prime Minister, Najib has got no brains to realise that what he has said is very discriminating and encouraging to these barbarians. These barbarians may have no brains to go find out what the whole fiasco is Bar Council trying to do but as a deputy PM, Najib should know better la!! Come on la!! He is suppose to lead the country one day but whatever he spew forth from his mouth, is either stupid or discriminating!

As for the law minister, there.. that moon face looking man, it is scary to know that such shallow minded pighead is in charge of justice of our country.


Hi&Lo said...

Dr Chua, music to my ears that you are candid enough to admit you had not done enough.

However, you shld move away from race-based politics. MCA had served its purpose.

I believe the Chinese are self-reliant and like water, they are adaptable to the times.

The Chinese in America by Iris Chang is a testimony of the adaptability of the Chinese. Unlike other ethnic groups they blend into American mainstream with ease despite the discrimination and pressure.

de minimis said...

I, for one, like what you're saying, Dr Chua. We must learn from past mistakes and strengthen the future. The storming of the Bar Council forum was shocking in the extreme. This is the early sign of what Islamisation really means, no more freedom of speech or expression. The fact that various opposing politicians got together for this common prupose is a warning that we have a very long way to go before multiracialism takes root.

Jonas Lee said...

Well written post, Dr Chua. Now that you admit your error of not speaking up before 8 March 08, now is not only the time to speak up for all Msians (including the Muslims who wish to express their views/sympathies for the families affected by converions). Now is the time for you to take concrete action. Discuss what UMNO leaders say is sensitive, go ahead and show the Malaysian Chinese you are more effective than DAP. Kit Siang has already called for disciplinary action against the PR MP. What will you do to prove your words?

BlissSouL said...

Seriously, no other races are allow to speak out openly besides than the Malays.
When a party talking about their race supremacy, don't you feel its sensitive.
No other component parties dares to talk about it. WHY?
Well I hope the new party president do have the qualities as mention - for a better future of the minority race.

Unknown said...

Hei Malaysian!!cuba bukak mata siket...agreed communication can be the way to solve some misunderstanding issues but you should know where n how u should point ur opinion!!!this is very sensitive issue when u all out there really2 touch the muslims feelings by organizing the forum 'Memeluk Islam'.
Orang Islam dah bagitau awal2 jgn teruskan forum kerana ia akan mengundang kemarahan orang Islam,tapi oarang2 laknatullah ni memang saja nak mainkan api dikalangan orang islam dengan bukan islam so forum ini diteruskan jugak tanpa memikirkan sensitiviti agama lain.Saya nak tanya pernah ke kami orang Islam menganjurkan apa2 yang menyentuh hal2 keaagamaan bangsa lain???TAK PERNAH!!malah kami menghormati agama lain dan tak menyentuh hal2 yang berkaitan agama kerana dalam Islam sendiripun kami digalakkan untuk menghormati agama lain.Disini saya bagi contoh pernah nampak tak berapa banyak kuil-kuil hindu yang ada kat malaysia dan tau tak kat mana diorang dirikan kuil2 hindu ni????kalau nak tau,ada yang buat kuil kat tepi2 highway,ada yang buat kuil kat tanah2 haram(unauthorized area)so nak tau apa jadi???jadinya bila ada upacara keagamaan kalau tak percaya tengoklah sesuka hati diorang akan menyesakkan jalan dan menyusahkan orang lain yang melalui jalan tersebut.lately semakin bayak kuil-kuil ini didirikan tapi kami TAK PERNAH nak suarakan hal ini secara terang2an kerana tidak mahu menimbulkan rasa kemarahan walaupun kami sememangnya TIDAK BERPUASHATI dgn pembinaan kuil2 di tempat2 yang tak sepatutnya!So u all guys jgn cuba bermain dengan API!!! fikir2kan lah

ZORO said...

"So far, I have not heard much from my party's senior leaders about how they feel about what happened at last Saturday's Bar Council forum on the effects of Muslim conversions."
They did speak up on the issue however only in Chinese papers and medium; is this good enough?

Datuk said...

Dr. Chua,

Your view point outlined in this article is a typical reflection of MCA mindset....try to be a fire fighter after the bully dominant had light up the fire !

The "padam api" approach bring the country nowhere except drag us into backwardation stage in the wake of increazingly competitive globalization world.

If MCA is still wanted to be relevent in the current political landscape, then we need a leader who can shift the MCA paradigm. See thing differently and charting the MCA destina differently!

The old pillar of BN is no longer relevent ! Barking out in the name of negotiation, in the name of understanding or in the name of concensus is too slow and ineffective for revamping the current stuctural cancer !

Wake up ! Please !

Unknown said...

"So far, I have not heard much from my party's senior leaders about how they feel about what happened at last Saturday's Bar Council forum on the effects of Muslim conversions."

Dr, I must correct your statement which is totally untrue. In fact, we notice the MCA President Ong Ka Ting, Fu Ah Kiau and some others have indeed spoken out immediately against the action by the unruly group the same day, and they all supported the forum be carried out.

While I may support your intention to go for higher position in MCA, but to say something which is not true is certainly unwarranted and disrespectful of yourself, unless you conveniently choose to do so.

oh said...

Dear Dr.

I think you have make a blind comment & have prejudice on this man OTK. I have read his comment on china press & sin chew newspaper on 11/8/2008 before you have come out with your article. Are you trying to gain credit & win the support of malaysian chinese. I don't think u are fit to be the malaysian chinese leader because of your .....

NEIL said...

Dr,The continue show of defiance by the gov't over religious issue will only fan the racist fire.Where is freedom of expression in malaysia?The pillar of democracy is been dismantle by these few muslim fanatics.Where is MCA?

Ti Lian Ker said...

Mana dia toleransi? Mana dia harmoni? Adakah kita jasmani dan rohani? PEDIHnya aku rasa bila melihat TINGKAH sesetengah pemimpin yang tidak harus diteladani....Mananya masyarakat kita yang madani..Mengapa harus kita bertelagah? Adakah salah berMUZAKARAH ? Mengapa harus kita timbulkan masalah..Ini cuma FORUM dan bukannya BAR...Inikah pemimpin negara...Inikah hasil Lima Puluh tahun MERDEKA? Lakonan politik atau sayembara? To divert attention elsewhere? To unite the Malays? Takkan Melayu hilang dari dunia ini! Untuk menaikkan semangat KETUANAN dan KETUHANAN Melayu? Adakah dunia ini sandiwara politik semata-mata? Adakah kita tidak berupaya menyelesaikan masalah???? sudahkah kita gagal/\...Mungkinkah Bangsa Malaysia sudah terlalu kenyang dan sudah CEMUH, MELUAT dan FED-UP dengan makanan , SAJIAN dan WAYANG KULIT POLITIK yang membinasa? Tidakkah kita boleh tumpukan pada agenda PERBINCANGAN KEARAH PEMBINAAN BANGSA, AGAMA DAN NEGARA? adakah kita ke arah HURU-HARA menuju ke NERAKA????????
ANARCHY!!!!!ANARCHY!!!!!!!! STOP THE ANARCHIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem here is not partisan politics.The fault is not with BN alone. Even PKR Member of Parliament had shown his ugliness here... it is a political divide between the MUSLIMS and NON-MUSLIMS. This divide is a result of political domination by the political Muslims in the past few decades where we suffered the SILENT SYNDROME and they have been riding high...they have been very vocal and intolerant of any differing points of view. I sincerely believes that ISLAM is not like that. It is a very tolerant moderate and considerate religion but the ugliness of men and their EGO is tainting the beauty of the religion. Painting it BLACK? Muzakarah MUZAKARAH MUZAKARAH is being denied here. It should not be confined only between MUSLIMS but must be promoted between MUSLIMS and NON-MUSLIMS from without and within...MARILAH KITA MENGGALAKKAN SEMANGAT MUZAKARAH DEMI BANGSA, AGAMA DAN NEGARA...JANGANLAH KITA MELATAH!

mengapa oh mengapa
tidak boleh kita bincang sesama kita
bukankah kita galakkan Muzakarah
mengapa harus kita melatah

mengapa oh kenapa
harus kita pening kepala
hujahlah kearah yang benar
kalau salah kita patah

mengapa bila ada masalah
BN yang selalu dipesalah
walhal yang hodoh dan latah
dipelopori oleh MP dari PKR

sky billionair said...

MCA have to be good (to protect malaysian non-malay interest) and look good, and ..and.. and.. continue to be good.

if not soonest MCA will be irrelevant to Malaysian , especially non-malays.

ZORO said...

News from

"公正党力挺卡立 抨击马华民政為何噤声
13/08/2008 13:26:46"

Dear Dr.,

What say you on the above event?
As Chinese, of course we agree totally with Khalid, however, we've this so-called "Social Contract" that we always have to give "handicape" to our fellow countryman. We understand that they were "backward" relatively speaking at the time of independence, but the situation is not true anymore, shouldn't we be asking equality now? This is not fair at all!! The world is laughing at us on this issue. 50 years is long enough to build up strength for any nation but looks like our nation is still not ready for it. Non-Bumis are very upset right now. You must do something!

bakakuk said...

Alamak Nur,

Apa yang kau cerita ni? Lain yang bicara di forum lain lapulak kau buat bising. Mis cue la kau. Mau marah pasal kuil lapulak! Itu boleh kita buat forum di masa akan datang kalau kau mau!

It seems Nur doesn't understand the meaning and the purpose of the Forum. A classic product of our Malaysian education system. Read and understand the topic of the Forum then we discuss. Not read the first sentence and start jumping.

All of this problem starts from the top, who is not doing anything to solve it. Tidak apalah as he says!!!classic case!

Ti Lian Ker said...

Nur! Sebenarnya kuil-kuil yang didirikan merata-rata adalah disebabkan tiadanya peruntukan tempat, kawasan , kewangan dan susunan oleh pentadbiran berbanding dengan masjid.
Jadi kita janganlah emotional sangat walhal semua agama menuju ke hala yang sama..cuma pendekatan,cara persembahan dan keEgoan insan yang menjadikan agama satu konflik berpanjangan..Nur perlulah memahami semangat disebalik sesuatu perbincangan dan tidak perlulah kita emosi sangatlah...Masalah sebenar ialah ego,emosi,dominasi dan monopoli..

Anak Pinang said...

In my last posting, I pointed out that one of the attributes the next MCA president should have is the ability to speak out for the Chinese community and for Malaysians of all races and religions.

Datuk, if we in Malaysia has to depend on MCA to fight for the right of Chinese and MCA can be the hero for other issue, why not have a party for all races and issues. Unity should be one banner but not others. There should not be issue of the races for the races to solve. The old British tactics have stayed too long. I applauded the vision of Dr Lim Chong Yew. Gerakan Party.

Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.