他说,无论政府是否向道文华小拨款,行动党都是赢家。他也认为,「高喊口号」、批评和破坏对手是行动党党最简单的政治行为。相反,董家教三方在才是真正捍卫华教的一批人。 「当政府批准拨款,他们(行动党)就说政府是受到他们的压力;如果政府没有给拨款,他们又会说马华『当家不当权』、无能。所以两方面他都胜不会输。」
東方新聞網 22-09-2010
Dear Dato Seri Dr.Chua Soi Lek
According to a new media source Democratic Action Party advisor Mr. Lim kit siang, recently described the Malaysia economic
Transformation plan as another version of China Mao
Zedong's "Great Leap Forward"
movement.I do not agree with him, but I do not feel this statement is totally harmful.
The mentioning of Great Leap Forward, at least remind us of the
of peaceful and prosperous environment in our country to
enable us to concentrate our attention on the commercial production of goods and services at the same time also gain
extra foreign exchange to enhance the economic performance through international trading.
China in the cold war era was subjected to sanctions imposed by
western countries had to allocate a lot of resources to the production of military goods in order to safeguardthe country , consequently the livelihood of its people was badly affected.
To fully evaluate the Mao's Great Leap Forward movement , we also need to consider the damage that had been to China as a result of the second World far and the Korean War.
Shortly after the establishment of the new China, China was engaged in the Korean War, which lasted for 3 years.
Million of china soldier were sacrificed and billions of dollar
was spent by China in that war which won them their pride and dignity.
After the Korean war, China who was troubled by sanction
and neded to settle the war debt
Plagued by insufficient foreign exchange to import industrial
goods and heavy machineriesr for
its industrial development
and military expansion, China had to depend on its own
people to rebuild the country and expand its military
strength And thousand of backyard furnaces were set up
throughout the country to increase the output of steel
needed for making heavy equipments and warfare weapon
Place where coal was not available trees were chopped down
to supply fuel ,pot , frying pan and other ferrous article
were supplied as Scrap ,Shrine and clan house were also torn
down to provide brick needed to built backyard furnaces.
1/6 of the china population at that time including students ,
housewife were engaged in the steel making .This is
similar to the saying in the chapter of Lao Tsu Text which
sound like this When the world is in order horses run free to
fertilize the field , When the world is not in order pregnant
horse is sent to battle field also. The large scale production
of steel during the great leap forward movement was a
failure and resulted in deforestation and mass destruction
of traditional building .This is mainly due to the poor
management and lack of metallurgical knowledge.
。 I do not think the Great Leap Forward is a total failure, the
China who has gone through the hardship become
more stronger, and tougher as evidenced its tremendous
success in heavy industry, technology, sports, cultural and
economic achievement today.
。 I do not agree with Mr. Lim Kit Siang of comparing the
Malaysia Economic Transformation with the Great Leap
Forward, the former was launched based on military
strategy ,but the latter was implemented to improve
standard living of Malaysia people using modern corporate management and scientific approaches
Comrade Dato Dr.Seri Chua Soi Lek, the president of MCA
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