Dato Seri,
Isn't YB Kok and Raja Petra, both detained under ISA on the same day, be given support too?
MCA WAKE UP AND WAKE UP NOW, if you continue to be in BN, all your people are going to cross over to pakatan, how much longer will the chinese be the dogs of UMNO, HOW MUCH MORE ABUSE CAN THE CHINESE COMMUNITY TAKE FROM THE UMNO POLITICS. Don't you chinese have 'MINN' by arresting the reporter for doing her job and reporting truthfully she is now in jail, what 'minn' are they showing to MCA, DOES NOW MCA ONLY JUMP AND BARK WHEN UMNO TELL YOU, OTHER TIMES SMACK YOU IN THE FACE AND TELL YOU TO SHUT UP. are the no more men in MCA. you will still get to do business under pakatan. so think about it, btw TERESA KOK ALSO WAS ARRESTED, maybe she maybe opposition, but first of all she is a women like the reporter, and second like the reporter she is chinese. This is the action you got from you siithauo (boss) badawi, ahmad gets away, and innocent chinese women get jailed, where is the chinese conscience. OR IS THE MCA CHINESE CONSCIENCE ONLY BASED ON MONEY FROM UMNO. TODAY it is those 2 innocent chinese women being treated like criminals, tomorrow how if it is your family members, will these women now be tortured, beaten up, RAPED, wah mca now where you put your minn (face). I am not here to insult you, mca, or the chinese, but to wake you up, this time they have gone too far, enough is enough. the choise is yours, but if you remain in BN WITH UMNO, you can consider by the next elections you will have no more support at all. so think about it. pull your johor aduns and MPs over to pakatan, definatly anwar is willing to negotiate. the country is totaly against umno already, you and I know it.
Dr Chua... please play your important role to voice out..pressurise MCA to play its role..... ! The abuse of power in the government is very obvious... free Tan, Teresa Kok and RPK!
Hope justice prevails!
Dr. Chua, I'm sorry I can't read your comment in Mandarin, why not publish an English version?
Are your comments only for the Chinese community?
In this trying times, the only way to remedy it is a change of govt. led by Pakatan Rakyat.
I appeal to you to persuade all MCA MPs to jump ship and make this a reality.
Statements of shock and regret by MCA is not going to work. The ISA detention of Tan and Teresa will do to MCA what the detention of Hindraf 5 did to MIC.
Are you going to sit back and write your blog when you have the power to do a world of good?
Also, you can publish the handphone and e-mail of othe MCA leaders so the community can put pressure on them.
Thank you.
MCA, is time to work...
MCA, is time to work.
God Bless BN!
MCA is just useless. What can MCA do??? MCA is part of the government, and MCA can even object to ISA. UMNO dont even need to get any view from MCA to issue ISA arrest. No point to shout about it because you are part of the government. Pull out from BN now before the whole MCA is no longer relevant!!!
Really make a good laugh when Ong Tee Keat, Ny Yen Yen, Wee Ka Siong condemn the ISA arrest!!! Arent all of them are part of the government. Is that means all of them are the follower of UMNO. Useless!!!!
Dear chia, chin yau,
For MCA,
no DAP, no CRY!
For Malaysian Chinese,
no MCA, no CRY!
Mr Chua CD, your party and your MASETER still play same OLD TRICK for last 50 years, your Master play BLACK FACE and your party play WHITE FACE, you think we people trust you again?
your party is same as before, running dog never never change to eat shit.
That's suit to your party now, go ahead to eat shit, because you all are in deep-shit, and worst, your party bring ALL CHINESE in this country into this same deep shit, for 51 years, step by step, day after day, we are in deep shit.
Should we THANKS you and your party?
Appreciate publishing in English because I can't read in Mandarin.
Anyway, MCA will be punished for Umno's doing
MCA be part of the government, must apologize for the decision taken !!!
Dear Francis Lui, you and your dap can correct and always right! no one can talking about dap's fault! just because you are always perfect! MCA is garbage! they are always wrong! they do nothing and we never vote them! we never vote them so we have right to scold them!
good logical mind.
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