
Saturday, October 16, 2010

蔡細歷允籌20萬助Start Society

(八打靈再也15日訊)馬華總會長拿督斯里蔡細歷醫生承諾,為慈善藝術學習中心Start Society籌款20萬令吉,補助需要幫助的兒童的藝術學習課程經費。




該中心是全亞洲第一間以教導需要幫助兒童藝術課程為概念的慈善機構,自2008年創立以來,已收錄了超過250名各族學生,受惠單位包括慈愛福利中心、Rumah Ozanam等。


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Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.