
TERLEBIH dahulu izinkan saya untuk mengucapkan selamat datang kepada YAB Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak dan para hadirin sekelian ke Perhimpunan Agung MCA yang ke-57 pada pagi ini.
Ahli-ahli parti dan kesemua kepimpinan parti perlu merapatkan semula barisan. Jika kita tidak dapat bersatu tenaga dan bergerak secara bersama, kita tidak akan berada di Putrajaya lagi selepas pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Ingatlah, rakyat tidak akan terus menerus menyokong sebuah parti yang lemah dan berpecah. Kita sedari dan kita akui, masih terdapat keretakan dan perpecahan di peringkat bahagian yang pada pandangan saya memerlukan perhatian segera daripada kita semua.
Hari ini senario politik negara telah berubah. Ia tidak boleh lagi ditangani secara biasa dan perubahan lanskap politik negara memerlukan kita semua bersiap sedia.
Untuk mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang pada pilihan raya umum akan datang, kita mestilah terlebih dahulu mengatasi persepsi negatif masyarakat Cina terhadap MCA.
Kita telah dilihat sebagai sebuah parti yang tidak dapat menyuarakan hasrat dan aspirasi masyarakat Cina walaupun ramai yang tidak akan mempertikaikan bahawa MCA selama ini telah menyediakan perkhidmatan kemasyarakatan yang terbaik berkaitan isu-isu sosial dan juga lokal.
Saya perlu berterus-terang untuk mengatakan bahawa adalah penting bukan sahaja kepada BN untuk memenangi pilihan raya umum akan datang dengan cemerlang tetapi juga untuk memastikan MCA sebagai sebuah parti politik mestilah turut bertindak cemerlang dan efektif.
Tsunami politik yang melanda pada pilihan raya umum 2008 telah menafikan kerusi dan suara MCA di Parlimen daripada 31 kerusi yang kita perolehi pada tahun 2004 kepada hanya 15 kerusi sahaja.
Sementara kerusi kita di peringkat Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) telah dikurangkan dari 75 kerusi yang kita menangi pada tahun 2004 kepada hanya 31 kerusi sahaja pada pilihan raya 2008.
Tuan-tuan & Puan-puan,
kerajaan perlu memutuskan akan keperluan untuk menetapkan satu angka tetap gaji minima bagi sektor-sektor tertentu yang berpotensi untuk mengembang.
Dan bagi memastikan MCA memiliki peluang yang lebih cerah untuk menang dalam Pilihan Raya akan datang kita hanya akan meletakkan mereka yang benar-benar berpotensi untuk menang sebagai calon. Kita berharap sayap Pemuda & Wanita MCA akan memberikan kerjasama sepenuhnya kepada parti dalam memaksimakan sumber mereka.
Skandal berkaitan surat sokongan yang membabitkan kepimpinan DAP di Negeri Selangor yang diperintah oleh Pakatan Rakyat menunjukkan hanya satu perkara iaitu mereka tidak menunaikan apa yang mereka janjikan dalam pilihan raya yang lalu.
.MCA perlu menjadi sebuah parti yang sensitif kepada kehendak dan keperluan rakyat dan perlu terus menjadi suara mereka di dalam kerajaan dan terus diberi peranan dalam kerajaan.
YAB Datuk Seri, kami berdiri teguh di sisi anda dalam berhadapan dengan segala cabaran yang mendatang untuk membina negara ini menjadi sebuah negara yang makmur dan berjaya dan kami komited untuk sama-sama mencapai visi YAB dalam menjayakan agenda 1Malaysia menjelang tahun 2020.
我也要感谢国阵成员党领袖、马华元老、 华团领袖及全体马华中央代表, 出席代表大会的开幕仪式。
一场海啸大选,导致马华的国会议席从31席减剩15 席, 州议席也从原本的75席锐减至31席,人民通过选票传达了他们的心声,他们不只要国家进步发展,更要政府铲除贪污、更能够信赖、更具透明度、更民主,以及平等的对待全体马来西亚人民。
马华面对的最大困境,是华社对马华存有很严重的负面印象。华社承认马华在地方服务是有口皆碑,也有能力解决民生课题,可是他们在投票时却想到,马华在处理关系到华社的重大课题无法明确的反映华社的意愿, 结果就把票投给反对党以示抗议。
在马华的建议下,首相拿督斯里纳吉同意所有考获9 A+的大马教育文凭考生,从今年起不分种族的一律获颁政府奖学金。此外,今年有高达92%的华裔生成功申请进入本地大学深造,创下了历来最高的华裔生录取巴仙率的纪录。
我们提出重新检讨30%土著股权的课题,并不是要剥夺土著的权益,我们面对的是和全世界竞争,我们必须与时并进, 这样才能保证经济转型成功。
党中央将妥善的使用党资源, 拨款协助区会、马青区团及区会妇女组,展开策略性的工作以面对来届大选。
马华是国阵的第二大成员党,60年来从过去的联盟到今天的国阵, 马华的忠诚是不容任何人质疑,无论是好景或面对艰难的时刻,马华都不离不弃。
最后,我再次感谢首相和各位嘉宾出席马华第57届代表大会的开幕礼, 谢谢。
Presidential Address of the MCA’s 57th Annual General Assembly by
MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek
October 10, 2010
First of all, I would like to convey my deepest appreciation to the honorable Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for being with us this morning to officiate the MCA’s 57th annual general assembly.
My sincere thanks also go to all leaders of the various Barisan Nasional component parties for your attendance.
Just a year ago, our party was at the crossroads of a crisis and now a new team has been duly elected. The wounds would have healed by now and there lies lots of work ahead, more so when there are greater challenges ahead for the party and the nation.
We have to forge ahead with strategies and serious hard work.
Party members and leaders have to close ranks. If we cannot get our acts together, we will not be in Putrajaya after the next general elections.
Bear in mind, the people will not support a party in disunity. I have to admit there are fractions at the division level which need to be addressed urgently
Today’s political climate is different. It cannot be business as usual and the changing political landscape requires us to be on our toes.
To do well in the next general election, we have to overcome the negative perception of the Chinese towards MCA.
We have been perceived as a party that has been unable to voice out the aspirations of the community although they would agree that MCA had been diligently providing services pertaining to localised issues.
I have to be frank to say it is important not just the Barisan Nasional to win at the next general election, but the MCA as a party must also do well in order for us to be effective.
The political tsunami in the 2008 elections had reduced MCA’s representation in Parliament from 31 seats in the 2004 elections to only 15.
The state seats were reduced from 75 which we won in 2004 to 31 seats in the 08 elections.
The people have spoken loud and clear. Other than developing the nation, the rakyat expects the government to reduce corruption, be accountable, transparent, democratic and fair.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Of late politicians from both sides of the political divide have been playing up on racial and religious issues.
We strongly condemn such actions.
As a peace loving Malaysian, I would appeal to all politicians from both sides of the political divide, to reject those who thrive on racialism
Sir, if Barisan Nasional pursues the middle path and politics that embraces all races, then I am confident the rakyat will continue to support the BN under your leadership.
As you pursue your policy of inclusiveness under 1Malaysia, the voices of extremism be it of any race or religion, will become a minority.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as we are approaching the 13th general elections, our utmost concern now is to woo the estimated 4 million Malaysians above the age of 21 who have yet to register as voters.
They are the potential voters who play a crucial role in determining the next federal government.
They want to be respected as citizens and need not be reminded to be grateful because their parents were accorded citizenships and certainly they don’t want to be called “pendatang”.
These youths want to be recognized and be part of the process of nation building. They feel that they have suffered in some ways because of discriminatory policies.
Their parents, the older generation may endure the policies then but the younger generation who do not connect with history finds it difficult to accept.
They may not know the role played by our founding fathers in fighting for independence and citizenship for non-Malays. They are more interested to know what the nation can offer them now and the future.
On the unregistered voters, the party has also started its registration drive to register as many new voters and it would be stepped up to reach as many people.
We are all for grooming a competitive Malaysian race that is dynamic, outstanding and one that possesses great calibre, innovativeness and creativity, hence education policies should be based on merits and needs.
I would like to express MCA’s humble thanks to the Prime Minister for being responsive towards our constant dialogues with him which has seen positive changes.
At this juncture, I would also like to applaud YAB Datuk Seri ‘s recent decision to offer scholarships to all students, regardless of race, who scored 9A+ in their SPM examinations. Of the total students, a total of 1550 students were Chinese. This is truly in the 1Malaysia spirit.
I also want to put on record that a historical breakthrough was also achieved this year as a total of 92% of Chinese students had successfully enrolled in local public universities, which is the highest enrollment ever in the history.
Sir, you have been most gracious and proactive towards our suggestions of a more equitable and just society and we appreciate your great understanding and proactive approach.
On this note, may I also record our appreciation on the recent award of scholarships by 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), a strategic development company owned by the Government to 50 top Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) holders pursuing their higher education.
The scholarships is not a one-off thing and each recipient are given scholarships valued at RM45,000 each and it comes without any bond.
The Dong Zong (United Chinese School Committees’ Association) and Jiao Zong (United Chinese School Teachers Association) have been conducting the UEC examination (which is equivalent to STPM) since 1975 and this is the first time UEC top scorers received scholarships from the Government.
The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have also been instrumental in allowing holders of the Unified Examination Certificate conducted by the Chinese independent schools to enter teacher training institutions. This has helped a lot in easing the shortage of Chinese school teachers.
The entry qualification set for UEC holders to enter the teacher training institutions was initially fixed at four credits in the SPM including Bahasa Malaysia but through MCA’s effort, the Education Ministry has agreed that a credit in the national language and 3 credits in the UEC examination would make the cut.
PTPTN loans are also now made available to independent Chinese school students with the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) to take up courses at local private higher education institutions.
Sir, we believe this is the first step towards giving more recognition to UEC and an indication of the Government giving more weight to the UEC and the role of the Chinese Independent Schools in training the young and talented.
I also wish to disclose that the Education Ministry has agreed to allow UTAR to train non-graduate teachers of Chinese schools to attain graduate status under a special programme.
Since its inception in 2002, UTAR has produced more than 13,500 graduates up to 2009. It now offers no less than 41 Bachelor’s Honours and 10 Master’s degree programmes.
The university has also received the Education Ministry’s approval to offer its first medical degree programme and the first intake of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) had started in May.
As for KTAR, it has produced more than 150,000 graduates who are highly sought after by employers.
The figures are all testimony of hardwork which the party and its leaders had gone through to realise the education needs of all Malaysians.
Sir, in the 9th Malaysia Plan, a total of RM325mil in development funds were allocated to 1,292 Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan (c).
It is not true that the government did not give allocations to Chinese schools. But this is inadequate and this has given opportunity to the Opposition to exploit the anti-government sentiments among the Chinese community. We need more funds under the 10MP.
Sir, when we fight for our mother tongue education, other than its cultural values, it has immense economic potential in changing the economic environment.
The emergence of China as the second economic power in the world has made Mandarin language to be of great economic value.
Our trade with Mandarin speaking nations accounted for 20 per cent of our total trade. If we need to boost up the figures, we need to train more Malaysians to be multi-lingual and are good in Bahasa, English and Mandarin. Only then we can achieve the status of a high income nation.
MCA will not look at Chinese education purely on racial lines.
In the next five years, there will be an increase of 60,000 students and we need to relocate new schools and build new Chinese schools as well.
In this context, I would like to thank Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who has agreed in principle to MCA’s request that in any new development of more than 3,000 houses, where the majority of the community are Chinese, then there should be a compulsory provision of land specifically for usage of Chinese schools.
Another good news is that the utility bills in all government-aided Chinese primary schools will be paid by the Education Ministry starting next year.
Our nation’s economy needs a quantum leap to achieve a high-income status. The New Economic Model (NEM), Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and 10th Malaysia Plan which are three of the four pillars of national transformation that will enable Malaysia to achieve the goals of Vision 2020, that is, to be a high-income economy and developed nation by 2020.
There is a need to review the 30% bumiputra equity in certain sectors but the MCA do not propose to rob Ali to pay Chong or rob Chong to pay Ali. Our objectives are clear and sincere - to ensure that the economic transformation can be achieved.
The way of doing business in Malaysia should also be simplified and be business-friendly.
The world has changed and is still changing. People are more demanding, the business community is more demanding and the complexities of doing business are far more challenging.
Sir, we support your effort to reduce the budget deficit so as to show that our debt rating is not affected. We have to maximise the utilisation of our nation’s resources to reduce wastages and leakages.
We should also encourage open tenders to reduce cost and promote greater transparency. Corruption and kickbacks had always been associated with the closed tender system.
MCA acknowledges that the nation is too dependent on foreign workers and to solve the problem, the government should not be indecisive.
Flip-flop decisions do not go down well and we cannot solve problems by arbitrarily suspending recruitment. The government needs to come up with a comprehensive recruitment requirement for the various sectors.
As a stop gap measure, MCA proposed that foreign workers be subjected to a 5+3 or 5+5 tenure, depending on the sector concerned.
We should also allow the replacement of the same number of workers once the work permit had expired. The business establishment concerned should be entitled to replace the same number of workers so that their business operations would not be affected.
There are a significant number of local workers earning less than RM700 a month, which is below the national poverty line of RM720 per month, hence we need to fix a minimum wage for certain sectors that have potential for growth.
It is time to set up a National Wage Council in order to seriously implement a minimum wage for Malaysian workers.
We have to debunk the theory that once we implement a minimum wage policy, we would lose our competitiveness.
In fact, in the long term, we would be generating a workforce that has better skills, more knowledge and productive.
The MCA Youth and Wanita are important parts of the MCA. The younger generation are the hopes of the party and nation and the future of the party.
To better understand the aspirations and expectations of the people, they should also extend their network to engage with social groups, non-governmental organisations, youth organisations and other bodies.
MCA will not alienate the young nor deprive them of the opportunity to excel in the party. The party leadership will help potential and talented youth leaders to grow within the party. We also hope the younger generation will share their thoughts so that there won’t be a generation gap.
The party will also seriously consider fielding more candidates from the Youth and Wanita wings in the general election.
To ensure that MCA will have a better chance in winning more seats in the general election, the party will only recommend those who have a better chance to win to stand as candidates
We hope the Youth and Wanita wings will give their full cooperation by maximizing their resources.
MCA has adequate party resources and we have the responsibility to manage the resources properly and professionally.
With regards to this, the new party leadership with the consensus of the Central Committee has appointed a company to manage the assets in an independent and more professional manner.
The company will have to report to the Central Committee twice a year.
The leadership will ensure that the party resources are utilised prudently.
It has been more than two years since the Pakatan government has taken over several states. We need answers on what they have accomplished so far.
Have they been able to woo more investors to their respective states and to check corruption within their own administration – the illegal sand mining, gaming outlets camouflaged as cyber cafes, illegal entertainment joints and all that.
Take for instance their manifesto pledging local council elections. What has happened to it?
The supporting letters scandal is a reminder to us that they don’t deliver what they have promised.
Please honour your promises.
I would like to touch on the importance of staying relevant to keep up and reach out. There is no easier way than to reinvent and rebrand ourselves.
We should have the right tools to be effective and we have to embrace new technologies to reach out to the people.
We can no longer rely on the traditional media to communicate with the rakyat. We need the new media.
A new generation of people who spend a lot of time in the social media have emerged and we have to engage with this people, comprising mostly youths.
Social media are distinctively different from the traditional media such as newspapers, television and film.
We are talking about the outreach of social media networking which is immense with millions of viewers savouring the information via Facebook, Friendster, Twitter and the various blogs.
If we do not avail ourselves with these new technologies of communication, then we would have failed in our quest to link up with these new generation of people who articulate well, are more demanding and outspoken.
MCA leaders must from now on be on the offensive. We should no longer adopt the defensive stand.
We must also engage ourselves in intelligent debates on unfair practices, wrong doings and important issues affecting the people in the blog sphere.
As for our MCA comrades in the Pakatan-controlled states – do not forget that you are in the Opposition-controlled states and behave like one.
Go ahead and expose the shortcomings, scandals, abuse of power, malpractices and weakness of those governments. And I am sure there are many.
As leaders, we must respond to issues swiftly and not when everyone is into it, then we jump into the bandwagon. Always take the lead instead of being mere followers but be politically correct and raise sensible issues which affect the raykat.
MCA has already gone on an offensive to declare cyber war to effectively disseminate our message to the voters, there has been too many twisted information in the cyber world and the wrong perception given that of MCA and the government.
Barisan Nasional faces greater challenges ahead that will put the sharing of power under stress. We have gone through the ups and downs through 12 general elections.
There will be occasions when MCA will take a different stand from Umno. MCA needs to be sensitive to the needs and aspirations of the Rakyat - that we continue to be their voice in the Government and that MCA continues to have a role to play in the Government.
Please do not question our loyalty to Barisan Nasional and our commitment to power sharing.
We have only one agenda - to make Barisan Nasional the party of choice by the rakyat. However we are not a blind follower. We will continue to articulate the hopes, fears, expectations and frustrations of the various communities in Malaysia.
MCA will ensure that it continues to stay relevant to issues and we will be more high-profile in our pursuit to push forward our political agenda in resolving the various issues.
It would be unfair to blame the Government of only looking after the Bumiputras and not non-bumiputras. All races have actually benefited from the NEP.
We have to admit that Malaysians are better off today than our forefathers but we can’t deny that some have benefited more from NEP because of weaknesses in the implementation process.
Hence, we fully support affirmative action that should be based on needs and merits. The race factor should not be the sole criteria in boosting the country’s social economic development.
Needs and merits should be the basis and key fundamentals of policy decisions.
Barisan after being in power for 53 years has its fair share of weaknesses, abuse of power and corruption. We do not claim to be a perfect government but hope that Malaysians will deliberate carefully if they think Pakatan will be a better choice.
In the battle cry for change by the Pakatan Rakyat in the 2008 elections, we noticed that the only change DAP has brought about was to strengthen PAS and deliver Chinese support to them.
We feel if Pakatan comes to power, PAS would be in the captain’s seat. PAS will not forget its autocratic Islamic stand and don’t be surprised if PAS comes back to power, it will turn back the clock.
We also need to reaffirm our commitment to the Chinese community that MCA is very sensitive to their needs and that the party has a role to play within the government and be their voice.
Sir, we stand beside you in facing the challenges of nation building and the obstacles you face. We are committed to achieve the Prime Minister’s vision of a 1Malaysia agenda by 2020.
Sir, we believe that in you that we see hope for a change for a better Malaysia.
Together we will work to achieve 1Malaysia by 2020.
Thank you.
傍晚 7点41分
Dato Seri Dr.Chua Soi Lek, president MCA
Membincangkan Isu Politik dengan high profile(高调问政) saja tak cukup , kita juga mesti boleh
cakap dan boleh laksanakan dengan cekap. Sepekara yang saya perhatikan , program pembelajaan
sepanjang hayat yang dimulakan 8 tahun yang lalu sudah tergendala. Pada saya program ini harus
diteruskan , kalau dulu tak bagus .betulkan( reenginneer ). Misal nya kita boleh membangkitan
kesedaran rakyat terhadap pemeliharaan alam sekitar dengan mengadakan seminar pertanian
hydroponik diseluruh negara (全民耕种). Dengan program ini kita dapat berapat dengan rakyat ,
menunjukan tauladan sebagai peminnpin yang sedia turun ke padang untuk bekerja sama dengan
mereka , sambil memberitahu kepada mereka pertanian memainkan peranan penting dalam transformasi Ekonomi .Kerja Menanam sambilan adalah baik untuk rakyat dari segi fizikal dan mental
yang benar GOH HOE HOE
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