KOTA KINABALU: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng should stop “apple polishing” PAS by exploiting a speech that has been taken out of context, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
Dr Chua said he had never belittled Islam in his speech at the Kedah MCA convention and both DAP and PAS were taking it out of context to politicise the issue.
He said Pakatan Rakyat should instead read his statement in the right context, adding that the issues relating to 57 Muslim nations in the world were taken out of a book, Malaysia and the Club of Doom, written by lawyer Syed Akbar Ali.
“I have not been ignorant, I have not been arrogant. I am just quoting from the book and giving the facts from the book,” he told reporters after opening the Sabah MCA convention here yesterday.
“When I spoke at the Kedah MCA convention, I said that each time MCA or other Barisan Nasional component parties reminded the Chinese to be cautious of PAS, it was due to the party’s emphasis on religious development, rather than socio-economic development.
“This would have great impact on national development. And I asked everybody there if they had a chance to read the book, and I gave them the main points, which basically talked about the 57 Muslim majority nations in the world,” he said.
Dr Chua said the writer had concluded that due to their emphasis on religion and neglect of socio-economic development, the countries, which made up 1.4 billion of the world’s population, only contributed 5% to the world’s gross domestic product, smaller than that of Japan, which had 135 million people.
The writer, he added, then went on to say that the educational level was also low in these countries, with about 800 million people mainly women, illiterate and had high poverty rates.
“At no time did I speak about the contributions during the Golden Age of Islam and the contributions of Muslim scholars in science, technology and mathematics. They are well known for it. I am a science-based student so I should know better.
“So I am telling Lim Guan Eng to stop apple polishing or buttering PAS so fat. Take it easy,” he said.
“Please tell PAS and DAP leaders to read my statement in the context of what is stated. There is no attempt by any MCA leader to belittle Muslims and all their contributions.
“I am talking about the present Muslim majority nations in terms of socio-economic development (in the book),” he said.
MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, who was also present, said Dr Chua was just highlighting PAS’ agenda that was not good for the country’s future.
He said under Barisan, the country was progressive with its emphasis on national development for the well-being of the people.
“So, there is no need for the Opposition to twist, turn and manipulate this issue for their own interest. Don’t try and instigate,” he added.
THE STAR (Monday August 9, 2010)
PETER CHEW menasihatkan PERKASA jangan terkeliru dan menyatakan Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek atau MCA anti-islam. Adalah tidak mungkin Dr Chua anti-islam kerana sekiranya Dr Chua atau MCA anti –islam maka MCA telah keluar dari BN kerana umno adalah juga parti yang memperjuangkan ASAS islam yang sebenarnya`. Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek cuma menasihat bangsa china menolak cadangan ``konsep negara islam` Pas` dan mengcadangkan bangsa china jangan undi pakatan kerana melaysia akan jadi negara islam seperti yang dicadangkan oleh Pas sekiranya pakatan menang dalam pilihanraya . Seterusnya Dr Chua merujuk kepada buku Syed Akbar Ali, Malaysia and the Club of Doom menggunakan fakta-fakta yang dinyatakan oleh Syed Akbar Ali yang menyatakan negara-negara Islam mengamalkan konsep islam Pas sebagai tidak progesif dan korup untuk mengukuhkan seruannya kepada bangsa china supaya jangan undi pakatan dan sokonglah corak islam BN yang memperjuangkan ASAS islam yang sebenarnya`. Di sini saya juga ingin menambah bahawa selain dari kenyataan Syed Akbar Ali . kenyataan yang serupa juga dinyatakan oleh Y.B Lim Kit Siang pada 2003-10-18 20:20:17 dalam tajuk ` pengistiharan Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) tidak tersebut demokrasi dan hak asasi `. Dalam kenyataaannya tersebut, pengistiharan seorang pemimpin OIC menyatakan index rasuah bagi 57 negara anggota OIC. 38 negara anggota OIC mencatatkan index rasuah yang tinggi. Selain daripada itu, dalam 133 negara yang mengadapi rasuah , lebih dari setengah dari 21 negara yang mengalami rasuah yang teruk terdiri daripada negara anggota OIC.
Sekiranya Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng menganggap pandangan presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek yang memberi gambaran bahawa negara-negara Islam sebagai tidak progresif dan mengamalkan rasuah sebagai mengarut , apakah pandangan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng tentang kenyataan bapanya Y.B Lim Kit Siang ? Timbalan Presiden PAS Nasharudin Mat Isa menyatakan hasratnya mahu bertemu dengan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek bagi menerangkan intipati Islam yang sebenar . Saya rasa Timbalan Presiden PAS Nasharudin Mat Isa perlu bertemu dengan Y.B Lim Kit Siang dan Syed Akbar Ali sebelum bertemu Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek kerana Y.B Lim Kit Siang juga menyatakan pandangan yang serupa iaitu kebanyakkan negara islam anggota OIC mengalami masalah rasuah tetapi Dr Chua Cuma merujuk kepada buku Syed Akbar Ali, Malaysia and the Club of Doom menggunakan fakta-fakta yang dinyatakan oleh Syed Akbar Ali . Saya rasa Timbalan Presiden PAS Nasharudin Mat Isa perlu mempunyai bukti –bukti yang kukuh untuk menunjukkan fakta-fakta yang dinyatakan oleh Y.B Lim Kit Siang dan Syed Akbar Ali salah barulah minta jumpa Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek Tun Mahathir juga menolak konsep negara islam PAS dan mengistiharkan Melaysia sebagai negara islam berpandukan perlembagaan sebelum ini tetapi Pas tetap dengan pendiriannya terhadap konsep islam PAS dimana salah satu seruan PAS adalah HUKUM HUDUD. Dan sekiranya menolak konsep negara islam Pas dianggap anti islam , maka Tun Mahathir juga anti islam? Umno kini juga menolak konsep negara islam Pas , sebab itu Pas tidak bergabung dengan umno, adakah umno menolak konsep negara islam Pas bererti umno anti islam?
If PAS is bad than what is UMNO? At least PAS is honest enough to admit and come out in the open with their ideals. As for UMNO, they are not just insincere and wicked.. they are evil!! Come on la.. we know where and who is PERKASA la... Who do you think came up with this Perkasa thingy?
Think again la.. if DAP is apple polishing or buttering PAS, what does that make you, MCA?
Dr Chua,
TV3 also condemn your speech. Stop blaming PAS.
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