(吉隆坡17日讯) 马华署理总会长拿督斯里蔡细历医生促请警方全面及透明化彻查赵明福坠楼事件,包括定时发布调查进展,让公众及时跟进案情
Respect you sir.
Among all the Barisan National leaders, you are the very few one who spoke out.
Where are the rest?
Shame on MACC. We are sadden and very angry!
Dr Chua,
Ask yourself this - do you believe Teoh Beng Hock jumped to his death?
Deep inside, we all know he did not jump to his death. Your friends claimed to be God fearing, pious, caring, honest, just, fair, kind. Are they?
I hope your friends can sleep well.
請別在假惺惺﹐自從垃圾上臺後新聞自由沒了。執法人員更是無法無天。大家都還搞不懂為什么反貪那班傢伙為什麼把事情搞得那麼大﹐又不見他們去查大皇宮什麼的﹐那個巴生港口呢?還有前雪州大臣的。。。。等等。 你們真的當我們平民百姓白痴。什麼一個馬來西亞云云。。。還不是拿些過期的點子包裝上市﹐我們只感到我們是活在共產的國家。
We the nation want Royal Tribunal to investigate this incident!
We want justice for Teo Beng Hock!
Can you MCA ablr to persuade your UMNO PM to set up?
If can't, then Don't talk the cock!
I got NO confident....sad to say!!!
Dear Dr. Chua,
It's really a sad day. Reading from abroad one after another news about tragedies such as this happening in Malaysia, I can't help but wonder whether there is any hope left for Malaysia. What hope do we have if politicians either do not care or are powerless to do the right things? Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate and evil." Most people (like me who wish to contribute through other non-political means) are counting on politicians to stop the rot. Is there any hope?
Dear Dr. Chua,
It's really a sad day. Reading from abroad one after another news about tragedies such as this happening in Malaysia, I can't help but wonder whether there is any hope left for Malaysia. What hope do we have if politicians either do not care or are powerless to do the right things? Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate and evil." Most people (like me who wish to contribute through other non-political means) are counting on politicians to stop the rot. Is there any hope?
Dear Dr. Chua:
I am very sad when i found out through website about this incident 2 days ago.
It is very disturbing and I am still very angry until now. I try to get myself busy at work and not to think about this matter.
Certain MCA and Gerakan leaders issued statements on this matter and want a truth to be found......But to me, it doesnt matter....the faith to you guys has been lost for many years and this incident has only serves to perpetuate it.
This incident clearly expose our government department is bias in conducting most of the investigation.
Even if the case is true, how much money are we talking about here. Few thousands, ten of thousand or worst hundred of thousand of fund. Just compare this to the West Port case of 5 billions dollars. You know how many zero behind this figure.
And what about the fellow who build a 24 millions mansion compare to this is Peanut. He walked away scoth free and even publicly challenged the state government and media.
You see MACC jumped on case like the 49 cows and few thousand dollars repair bills. Whereas year after year the Account General Report revealed the abnormality in spending claim gone un-touch.
Why and what has our so called government agencies degenerated to?.
Nobody can blame the public perception on these agencies and on this case…. Why this fellow who is just a young witness being questioned into wee hour of the morning 3-4am. Are MACC really that hard working? Why can’t the interview being conducted during the normal working hour from 9 to 5pm?
PM claimed one Malaysia and to be fair and caring. Where is the fair and caring demonstrated in this case?
End result of the finding, actually we already know if no public pressure is applied……
This is another chance for BN to show how fast they can react to incident and public anger ! Another chance to prove how BN goverment determined to show transparentcy and improve !
No more "still under investigation...." and
然后,不了了之 !
Condolences to the late Teoh BH family.
Why is everyone, from commoner to PM is calling for thorough and transparent investigation?
Isn't the police doing so in every case? Why the police has to be reminded repeatedly by so many parties?
I don't understand
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