• be someone willing to speak out for the Chinese community and for Malaysians of all races and religions as well.
• have the strength and conviction to do and say what is right and necessary.
• cannot be a person who just pretends nothing is wrong, or sweeps the frustrations and concerns of his constituents under the carpet.
• be a team player and a team builder. He must be someone the party can unite together with. He should not be aloof and distant from the feelings of the community, and must be able to unite the strength he has with the warmth and comfort a leader must portray and show it to the community.
• be able to communicate with the ordinary members and the community, and represent their feelings and aspirations.
• stand up for party grassroots and other ordinary Malaysians. Malaysians clearly do not want is a leader who makes excuses and that everything is sensitive for open discussion. What is clear from the March election results and even up till now is that the Chinese in Malaysia no longer see the MCA as a party which speaks out for them. Even the MCA's own members feel detached from the leadership and the direction of the party.
• be like a phoenix and rise from the ashes. Only then MCA will find itself in and prove its deserving of support from the Chinese community.
• talk to the people and must listen to them to convey their views, concerns, frustrations and hopes to the government. Speak out more against injustice and strive to ensure all of our political partners understand the need for all Malaysians to have and feel an equal stake in the country.
These are some of the things the next MCA president must do.
Don't leave out:-
1. Good character and high morality.
2. Integrity and principles.
3. Someone our children can look up at and admire as a leader.
So, for the past 50 years, what has MCA been doing?
Why is it that the Malaysian Chinese have deserted the MCA after 50 years.
Don't be a Jeykll and Hyde.
Go join the right party.
Dr, it's my fervent hope that not only the next president of MCA process these qualities but also ensure that the majority does not treat the minority as 'other race' but Malaysian as a whole.Remember to re-inform them that we are born and bred here not 'imported' as they always brand us as such.Malaysia doesn't belongs to them,infact to all Malaysian.May your road to MCA be smooth and speedy.
Intentions are well and good. Anybody can moralise. Worst, being a professional apologist.
YB Dr Chua, I wished you had come to this sense prior to Mar 8 whitewash.
Trust once broken is very hard to regain.
MCA had reacted to the kris antics. But it had not been effective. First time it was brandished, but the second occasion confirmed MCA is not fit and treated with disdain by Umno.
Please evolve and rebrand into cosmopolitan if you want to be relevant and counter ketuanan melayu.
Thank you.
i thought when the party set a limit to the terms of top office bearers..it will reduce politicking and promote good governance whereby the democratic process will take place smoothly within the party...but it seems to be working the other way... we are more divisive then ever and there's lots of manouvring n manipulations from up there...what's happening????
read my " MCA Oprah Show begins.."
Yeah, you can talk a lot now. Wait till if you become the president of MCA. I honestly think you may not have the guts to go against UMNO. Today, most of the Chinese in Malaysia will not vote for MCA. If you do not believe what I said, do visit Seapark market. Formerly 100 percent pro MCA. Today most of the people there reject MCA and during the 12th,GE voted for the opposition. Do come over and find out why they deserted the MCA
The new President must be able to handle MCA Sabah with high importance.
The following points are what MCA Sabah wants from the new President and its team:-
1. To give more authority to State Liaison Office in terms of administration, and especially political autonomy to swiftly deal with the exclusive needs and situation of the region;
2. To handle grievances and needs of Sabah specially with high priority and sensitivity;
3. To help making more representation and involvement in the central committee by “allocating” at least 2 to 3 Central Committee Memberships and one Vice Presidency from Sabah.
4. To provide real and fast supports from the respective Federal Ministers when local Sabahan MCA members were appointed and involved in the respective government agencies.
It’s high time that the new central leadership make the changes in order to meet with the new demands and desires of Sabahan MCA after 14 years presence in Sabah.
Except for one or two people, no one in MCA display such qualities.
While all these leadership qualities are ideal
Who are the likely candidates who can fit the bill?
Who among the potential presidents possess the skills
To go all out and fight injustice with sufficient will?
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 090808
Sat. 9th Aug. 2008.
What would be the margin between PKR and BN in the coming Permatang Pauh by-election ?
Test your judgment @ votingmalaysia.blogspot.com
Dear DR. CSL
i hope the next. president will
1)List out all member in each division and must be agreed by "ALL MEMBER"
2) Disciplinary board member must be secretly nominated and voted only by
----- all committee member
not control not answerable
but the Disciplinary board member(DBM) is
=== answrable to an "EGM"
represented by the whole MCA division head---
If "majority MCA division head " agreed on the finding and the recommend course of action taken by (DBM)
so be it!
good luck
曹德安呼吁沙巴州马华党同志 支持沙领袖参与中央决策权
2008-07-29 14:07:32
2008-07-29 17:39:17
2008-08-01 16:10:26
2008-08-09 16:06:19
one thing good about you is that you are honest and when the video scandal came out in the limelight, you admitted it was you. i salute you for that.
Food for thought:
Trust is like virginity. Once broken, it is gone forever. Unless it goes for a major surgery operation to try to rebuild that virginity.
MCA is the same. It has lost its trust of the Chinese. At most it can only undergo a major surgery to try to rebild that trust but not the integrity.
Start work now with every Chinese you can find in Malaysia. Then perhaps you have a chance.
important is what he can do for chinese!
Hello Dato Sri,
It sounds very constructive. Let me ask you this question on your criteria No 1:-
"be someone willing to speak out for the Chinese community and for Malaysians of all races and religions as well."
On the 9th, Bar council had their forum on conversion to Islam and issues in regards to article 121(1).
Most non-Muslims wanted this forum to go on in order to address pertinent issues affecting them. But a sect of unreasonable Muslims interrupted and caused major protest. The government leaders including the DPM was seen not favoring for some selfish reasons.
But as a non-Muslim leader of MCA like you, why did you choose to remain quite instead of issuing a statement or at least expressing your unhappiness?
You did nothing. How non-Malays especially the Chinese could trust a politician who does not have his strong stance in supporting their cause especially when he is most needed?
Can you answer?
Dr,mca president MUST process extraordinary qualities that will win the respect of all malaysian not just chinese.He must speak intelligently, firmly,decisively and most of all tackle all problems not swept it under the carpet.
Soi Lek,
One quality you forgot to add:
The MCA President must not treat comments/complaints/suggestions made by non-MCA (or non-political party) members as unimportant.
The ordinary man or woman on the street matters as they collectively will decide come voting day, if the Party is still relevant in the ever-changing political context of the country.
Past (and current) MCA presidents have always ignored such comments/complaints/suggestions from the ordinary non-party folks. MCA paid dearly for this during the March 08 Elections.
So Doc, don't repeat this same mistake.
Dear Dr. Chua,
Best of luck. Your courage is deeply admired. Please kindly lead an alternative team to do good thing for MCA.
A. 马华的固本培元
1. 内阁中的内阁, 展现治国能力.
房屋及地方政府部: 拿督斯里黄家泉
交通部: 拿督翁诗杰
妇女、家庭与社会发展部: 拿督黄燕燕医生
卫生部: 拿督廖中莱
财政部: 拿督江作汉
国内安全部: 拿督曹智雄
教育部: 魏家祥博士
高教部: 何国忠博士
团结、文化、艺术与文物部: 邓文村
青年及体育部: 黄日升
2. 妇女组的发展空间, 下一次选举, 选战更细化, 女选票将左右大局.
3. Aim for 10% vote swing, 增加到二十五个国会席位, 才能立足一方.
B. 福慧双修, 自我造化
一, (水) 政治
慧眼笑看风云, 智者志取天下.天生我才必有用, 君不见黄河之水天上来, 匯集百川合成海.
二, (木) 经济
扎根, 困中有木, 木在困中, 十年如一日, 明天又是一个十年; 资源共享, 大处着眼, 小处着手; 良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而事.
1. If on your left side is “green dragon” and on your right side is “white tiger”, then, the best thing to do is turn yourself into water. Water, in the nut shell, is made of two-hydrogen and one-oxygen.
2. 乾坤大挪移
3. 避免虚火过盛, 水土不服, 以防螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后.
三, (火) 教育
因才施教, 因时施教, 因势施教.
1. 有所保留
2. 顺其自然
3. 鞠躬尽瘁
一局, 三不, 五法:
1. 掌控大局
洞悉先机, 破局而立, 重新布局.
2. 不知, 不懂, 不管
大局已定, 为了鼓励民主, 自由, 创意,需要无为而治.
3. 想法, 看法, 说法, 做法, 手法
四, (土) 争, 争, 争, 更上一层楼
合纵连横, 虚则实之, 实则虚之, 争取实权, 以民治国.
1. Malay Dilemma Tri-visited; 回化, 汉化, 赛翁失马, 焉知非福? Insya Allah.
2. 妇女能顶半边天
3. MSC-Window-Buster-Southern-Belt
五, (金) 添点金, 增点福
独中带统, 统中带独, 血浓于水, 五十知天命: 行难寸进, 自我造化; 现实的理想的完美主义, 打开你的心房.
From an ordinary MCA member
hope the nez MCA president can play a better role in stabilizing rising negative sentiments in the political arena.
I was told my grand parents came from Southern China. Neither I feel like Chinese nor I behave like one. My skin color is fair and I have the same blood type as my Malay boss. I grew up learning Bahasa Malaysia and speak broken English. At home I speak various dialects and the only time I use English is for emails, internet chatting and writing comments on the blog.
I was denied to study STPM despite of my good result, they told me to try other school because that year we had too many students scoring As. Coincidentally, my teacher told me the minimum passing marks for UPSR that year was 25/100. Tired of trying due to bureaucracy, I came out to work at early age and going to private college is out of my parents budget. My lifestyle is routine due to tight budget as large portion of my income goes to EPF and income tax. I consume roti canai and read the Star for breakfast. Front page news always tells our economy is doing well and our crime rate is under control. Our Government loves to say Malaysia cost of living is among the cheapest in this region. However, I felt poorer by the day and wonder who is really doing well in this country. For lunch, chap fan is my usual takw away which is sold by Indonesian and sometimes I go for wanton mee prepared by Burmese for a change. They always complain rural people are very poor but why we still need so many foreigners working in our country? I hardly go to KLCC these days because the only affordable items I could purchase is a cup of soft drink. So I shop more often in pasar malam for cheap goods and movies. On Friday, I could enjoy longer lunch because my boss will come back late. My boss is from Kelantan and he is very rich. He likes me very much because he commented I am a reliable employee. Although my pay is lower than average but I have a stress free working environment because my Company has never failed to get jobs from the Government. I still can't afford to buy a house because I am seven percent short.
Dr. Chua, based on my pathetic life, please tell me which Political Party is interested to hear my story?
I was told my grand parents came from Southern China. Neither I feel like Chinese nor I behave like one. My skin color is fair and I have the same blood type as my Malay boss. I grew up learning Bahasa Malaysia and speak broken English. At home I speak various dialects and the only time I use English is for emails, internet chatting and writing comments on the blog.
I was denied to study STPM despite of my good result, they told me to try other school because that year we had too many students scoring As. Coincidentally, my teacher told me the minimum passing marks for UPSR that year was 25/100. Tired of trying due to bureaucracy, I came out to work at early age and going to private college is out of my parents budget. My lifestyle is routine due to tight budget as large portion of my income goes to EPF and income tax. I consume roti canai and read the Star for breakfast. Front page news always tells our economy is doing well and our crime rate is under control. Our Government loves to say Malaysia cost of living is among the cheapest in this region. However, I felt poorer by the day and wonder who is really doing well in this country. For lunch, chap fan is my usual takw away which is sold by Indonesian and sometimes I go for wanton mee prepared by Burmese for a change. They always complain rural people are very poor but why we still need so many foreigners working in our country? I hardly go to KLCC these days because the only affordable items I could purchase is a cup of soft drink. So I shop more often in pasar malam for cheap goods and movies. On Friday, I could enjoy longer lunch because my boss will come back late. My boss is from Kelantan and he is very rich. He likes me very much because he commented I am a reliable employee. Although my pay is lower than average but I have a stress free working environment because my Company has never failed to get jobs from the Government. I still can't afford to buy a house because I am seven percent short.
Dr. Chua, based on my pathetic life, please tell me which Political Party is interested to hear my story?
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