
Monday, February 16, 2009

Part of the speech given in Muar MCA Installation Dinner on the 8/2/09

Part of my speech delivered in the Muar MCA swearing in ceremony appeared in the Chinese Press. This is in relation to the fall of the Pakatan state government in Perak.

I felt that as a gentleman, BN should have the courage to accept plans and strategies beneficial to rakyat promoted by PR state government in Perak. At the same time with specific reference to Perak state government, it should continues to implement these plans, for example the freehold land title to the new villages to ensure its success. We should practice bi-partisan politic.

After 308 election, people have higher expectation of government and they will compare both government, BN and PR government to see which is better.

The crossover is an act of denying the system of democracy where the rakyat decides but the 3 Perak ADUNs who has quit PR has just chosen to be Independents that support BN and not “crossover” to BN. This will always generate a lot of controversy.

In the speech, I also encouraged more PR wakil rakyat to quit PR and become Independents that support BN.

At the moment, Perak BN state government is facing 2 major challenges; whether or not BN state government is accepted by the rakyat and whether or not they are welcomed by the rakyat.

People will not only request for country’s development, they hope that the society is stable and everyone live in peace, the most important thing is that whatever decision made by the government must be fair, democratic and transparent as to ensure that the rights and benefits of all races is being taken care of.

I also urged MCA leadership not only participates in interaction with MCA members and should participate in more non-MCA functions and try to understand Chinese who are non-MCA members.

We have about 6 million Chinese in Malaysia, apart from 1 million MCA members, there are 5 million of Chinese who we need to understand their thinking, then only we can claim to understand Chinese aspiration.


呉 和豪 said...

YB Dato Seri Dr.Chua Soi Lek

I also urged MCA leadership not only participates in interaction with MCA members and should participate in more non-MCA functions and try to understand Chinese who are non-MCA members.

Sometime as an ordinary MCA member,I also had takken initiative to attend Non MCA function but MCA leaders were too busy.

Unknown said...

Suggest MCA to actively recruite memeber from higher learning institution, by organize more activity (life camp, training,Talk, Seminar...) with all type of insentive to encourage more participants. that would help for MCA nationwide and not just in Perak particularly.

Fernando said...

R u now placing ur own self interest above those rights of the 7 million Chinese community ?

MCA will be chaotic if you are trying to create team A and team B again. As the consequence, the party will be rejected once again in the next general election.

Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.