
Friday, May 9, 2008

2-party system within BN will help to strengthen BN




I propose a loose coalition of non-Malay BN parties within the BN. I believe that it will not lead to a split or confrontation. Rakyat wants to see that BN is not dominated only by UMNO with its Malay agenda.

Since politics is a number game, a coalition of 14 parties with membership ranging from 2.8 million members in UMNO to some less than 100, 000 plus the great difference of representation both at state and parliament, it makes more sense that the non-Malay majority party should form a loose coalition to achieve consensus on the non-Malay agenda and this will enable us to better represent the non-Malays in the national development agenda. Malay majority party within BN also have to take recognition of the non-Malays’ development agenda.

Since we are all within BN, there is no direct confrontation or split within the party. It is for the common objective of making BN’s party agenda more multiracial and more acceptable to the rakyat. Hence, I cannot see the logic why some MCA leaders are so quick to jump into conclusion that this working relationship by the non-Malay majority party is construed as a threat to UMNO. If the non-Malays leaders are not assertive and not seen to be fighting for the non-Malay rights, we will continue to lose support. This loose coalition of non-Malay parties will also persuade UMNO leaders to change for the better.


malayamuda said...

Dear Dr Chua,

I agree with you that a 2 party system is an alternative.

The BEST alternative though will be to allow the racist Malay radicals in UMNO to form the Government by themselves.

MCA, MIC and Gerakan lost the elections as they NEVER stood up foir the rakyat on ANY issue, be in community issues nor national issue.

It's time the BN component parties start exerting some authority in the BN if indeed they are equal partners. No use giving excuses such as " BN spirit, BN behind closed doors and BN channels " as there is NO such things and you know it

jenn v ariela said...

I wonder why chinese leaders in MCA didn't feel the religion and racist issue still exist in BN? What are they afraid of for being honest and brave about it for the betterment of Chinese community in Malaysia land?
Or is it there isn't a brave and strong good leadership in MCA who can lead for greater heights for Malaysian Chinese welfare?

KIMHO8 said...

蕉賴王冠城勇敢的居民,飽受了催淚彈和水炮車的攻擊。 民主行動黨的國會議員,強悍的保護居民們的權益,一起面對打壓。

我們的州務大臣,是不是應該盡早出來解決問題? 馬華以在野黨或反對黨的身份出任,為什么沒有站出來替他們討取公道?

如果馬華是真心捍衛華人, 愿做華人的保鏢,當見到華人被欺負時,難道沒有感覺到心疼的嗎? 還能坐視不理! 也難怪政府官員,警方部隊都不怕,也不把華人放在眼里!

馬華如真的愛民,不管他是一個(華人)嫌犯或犯人, 在被不合理對待的時候,也該受到保護,何況是一個國會議員(CHINESE DAP),一個居民(無辜的華人老百姓)!


別再浪費時間在聯盟其他國陣陣黨, 馬華努力了這么多年,進展如何? 如果還要這么一搞,又要等多久,一個月,一年,一屆。。。人民不能再等了,飯就要沒得吃了!


Anonymous said...

Dr. Chua, you are absolutely right and this shows that given time you are truly visionary. The problem now is how to implement this?

romerz said...

Good idea but does it even have a chance of taking off?

As it is, already MCA and Gerakan can't see eye-to-eye and thats only 2 parties, MCA with new villages and Gerakan with Penang, what more with 13 parties with different personal agendas?

Assuming that all 13 can agree to a coalition, do you seriously believe UMNO will allow it?

UMNO have gotten so arrogant that they will go it alone if push comes to shove. They only included the other 13 parties to lend legitimacy to their cause in return for fairness. But what fairness did we get in return?

Don't let us be fooled by that!

If I may be allowed, you either stick with them through thick or thin, and leave your fate to the outcome of their fate.

Half-measure will no longer satisfy the public at large.

Teoh Kok Hwa said...


Sarjan low said...

My opinion is political party in malaysia and especially Barisan Nasional should concentrate in "Malaysia" agenda.

If the loose coalition as per Dr. suggest implemented, BN will still about races interest party. No much changes as current.

Generally Malaysian is still races. Yet making our mind focusing more on "Malaysian" matters will be positive sign for better racial harmony & national development.

Just a humble opinion


Lysendar said...

Dear Dr. Chua,

As i mentioned before, it is not easy to achieve, caused it required a charisma and quality leader. On the other hand, it also required UNMO to review whether does it necessary!!! It is because they will see whether will it affect their benefit or not. With regards of the MCA leader jump into conclusion so fast is because they all can't see far. All of them are short-sighted, and can't think far. A good leader can be very easy to find in MCA, however, a quality leader is not easy to get from MCA. So Dr., just don't bother about them as majority of them are short-sighted, can't see far. God will bless you.........

pharmacyproduct2u said...


iamataxpayer said...

Mr Chua, why don't you put your opinion of BMC case on your blog? What is your opinion of this?

Where is M.T of your party? He is the last person I did have "hope", but obviously i am wrong (again)!

Why a M.T, who is a chinese, dare not comment, 80% of BMC are chinese!

What? your party is "opposition" in selangor? So? I supposed this is a good chance for "opposition" (your party) to show face and provide service to people in order to gain support, still your party is TOTOLLY out of the whole case. Hopeless.

Huh? you tell me?

Your M.T OTK, not to be confused with OTK, but i guess chinese has made them the same in their mind.

After BMC case, your party will never gain any support from chinese anymore.

Dare to put this comment on your blog? We will seee....

kong fu said...





CP Waterman said...

Dr. Chua,
Don't you think MCA has had enough of being treated & conditioned & acted like a muted dog by UMNO over the last half a century? Do carry out an independent survey (via your blog if you like)if the above is not the overall perception of MCA among the Chinese community.

In the 12th GE UMNO lost Malay votes to Anwar and is now having a host of leadership problems at their own backyard do you think they genuinely care about other races???
I agree with Kimho8.
Its get out now or risk becoming irrelevant.

B@dman said...


Wakmasnoor said...

Greeting Dato Chua.

Isnt it amazing to see how a different a person without a post and cabinet duty can be...inside out.

Are you taking a cue from the recent PRU 12 results or was it the true and honest you all along?

You know for the fact, that without Malay supports, none of the existing political parties would do well in the election. UMNO needs Malay. PAS definitely. PKR is no difference. MCA needs them too. And MIC more then ever. A non-malay political party dont need Malay to survive. But to be the one and on top and in power, Malays are without doubt the most valuable assets to mortgage on.

Opposition has been trying all these years to gain bigger shares both in Parliament and State seats. They failed in all General Elections except this recent 12th edition. WHY the PRU12? Mainly because the Malays were not satisfied with the current administration of the country (UMNO/BN) and of certain issues especially the rising of price of essential goods which were seen by many as the incapabilities of the trusted leaders in handling and explaining the issues well. Some other issues which were explicit and malicious in contents, too played their parts helping to shift the Malays thoughts and perceptions into something fatally in consequences to not just UMNO but MCA and MIC too.

Power sharing concept in BN is the least of an issue and the real deal, to begin with. It was the communal party's influence and participations on and with the Rakyat (and particular race) were what lacked and hurt the most. When the Rakyat (and Malays) hurt, they have no option but to show the suffering and dissatisfaction by voting for the opposition.
Thus the one that really needs the heal and comfort are the Rakyat and the Malays.

Reforming the BN is a good start. But the remaining aches and issues and causes and concerns are still there with the Rakyat.

monsterball said...

Before election...UMNO said..they will rule forever.
Now...5 States + 1...goes to PR...and if you are fair and know...UMNO is not really ruling the majority a all.
Dollah is saying...Malaysians still favors UMNO.
It is a signal...for MCA and talk same language.
This is a sign....all are desperate to survive..but they are about to be dead and buried. So it is say...all form a multi racial party....get rid of the sickening out-dated party UMNO.. MCA...MIC.
Still.the chances is very for at least 28 all fucked up the country.

LohSH said...



• 拉近成员党和巫统之间的鸿沟。
• 加强国阵的内聚力和合作精神,进而改善它的施政方针。

BN comprises 14 component parties. Being the biggest, UMNO is the leading party in BN, and its President is the BN Chairman.

Perhaps, with such a large and diverse group of parties, the 13 parties can explore the necessity and feasibility of creating the position of a Co-Chairman to be filled by a representative nominated by them, and hence reflecting their weighting and importance in BN.

The Co-Chairman serves to help

• bridge the gap between UMNO and the rest
• more importantly, strengthen the coherence and spirit of cooperation in BN and hence improving BN’s governance.

Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.