虽然有一些人认为黄家定“可能”有能力领导一个党,但是却绝对没有能力领导整个华社。接受英文教育的蔡细历,也以英文重复其说法,“he may be suitable to lead a party, but definitely not to lead the chinese community”。
English version
Chua Soi Lek: Ong Ka Ting sets to split up Johor and is not suitable to lead Chinese society
Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek today criticizes on Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Ting’s decision in becoming Johor state liaison chairman because the reason behind it is to split Chua’s power in Johor and further said that Ong may be suitable to lead a party but not qualified to lead Chinese society.
Ong has earlier announced the new line-up for Johor MCA and Chua’s name is not in it. Apart from Chua, his allies have been changed, including YB Datuk Tee Siew Kiong and Low Teh Hian.
Tee and Low are loyal supporters of Chua and what Ong has announced has been seen as to sideline Chua’s cronies.
In a phone interview with Malaysiakini today, he said that he has received a lot of complaints from division leaders and Johor assemblymen and said that they are dissatisfied with Ong taking over as Johor State Liaison Committee Chairman.
Chua said that although Ong is the President and has the power to be the state chairman in any states, but he chooses Johor at this unsuitable time.
“Ka Ting said that he didn’t want to be minister because he wants to rebuild MCA. But, Johor MCA has obtained over 85% of winning and is one state that doesn’t need him to lead.
“The state that he leads (Negeri Sembilan) is left with only one assemblyman that means that the particular state needs his talent and organizational skills. He can also go to Selangor, Perak and Wilayah Persekutuan,” he said.
“According to my understanding, he expressed in the state meeting yesterday that he wants to ensure that Johor will remain as stronghold of MCA and will not fall unto the hands to opposition in the next general election. This statements means that if there is any success in the future, it will be his effort and leadership skills,” he said.
“Therefore, the conclusion is that he has given up on other states that have lost to opposition,” he further said.
When asked if he has any evidence on the inability of Ong to lead Chinese society, Chua answered “If he has the ability to lead Chinese society, BN will not lose so badly”.
“They are blaming UMNO. The thing is that if you are the representative for the Chinese but you didn’t raise their dissatisfaction and did not reflect that the Chinese are unable to accept the Keris thing and didn’t reflect the fact the UMNO takes Parliament as a game. If this is the inability of Ong to lead the Chinese, how is he going to be the bridge between Chinese and government? This makes UMNO thinks that Chinese has no problems,” he said.
When raised about a Central Committee member that said the brainstorming session in the end turned into blame UMNO session, he agreed to say that MCA leadership did not even do any self evaluation because “If there is self evaluation, a lot of MCA people will be involved and they will be blamed”.
Asked if he agrees that Ong should step down as President as to take up responsibility of the failure in election, Chua said “Party election is coming and I leave it to central delegates to decide. Even if I say it, it will mean nothing because he will not resign”.
When the Malaysiakini reporter keeps asking whether his strong criticism can be published, Chua stressed that “of course can, I say the same thing to Chinese papers yesterday. I am always frank with my words”.
-Malaysiakini, 31.03.08-
I don't understand and confuse or may be I'm numb or stupid why Ong Ka Ting come to lead the Johor MCA. Since he wants to rebuild the MCA he should put all his effort to rebuild MCA from grass root to HQ, shoundn't taking any post in any state ...I think he is either crazy or KIA-SHU emperor of MCA
General Chua:
Saya bersetuju dengan comment yang dikatakan oleh saudara BengKuan terhadap ong (king of kia-shu bagi MCA)kerana si ong benar memberi keterangan yang agar bodoh bahawa kesemua langkah atau tindakan yang dilaksanakannya tiada dalam "SuZi,the art of war"beliau mengatakan ini satu taktik yang terbaru dan tiada dalam kandungan tersebut,saya merasakan kebodohan dan keegohan beliau yang menjahanamkan MCA. nasihat daripada saya terhadap ong iaitu pandai saja jangan pandai-pandai.
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