
Sunday, April 13, 2008

“分析大选,探讨未来”论坛 "Analysing the general election, discussing the future - Part 1


  • 国阵经历了前所未有的惨败,现在是时候进行自我检讨,坦诚面对问题、剖析为何选民几乎一面倒拒绝国阵
  • 领袖要拿出诚意,承认错误和弱点,领导层应对这次的败绩向党员道谦
  • 国阵惨败,反对党阵线夺下多州政府政权,民主两线制刚形成。国阵要协助、配合人民进行监督

  • 这次大选,面对大课题如贪污、滥权、通膨、宗教等累积的民怨,促使选民跨种族决定手中的一票。马华和国阵要反省对有关课题的处理手法
  • 族群为基的政党最终会否完全消失,目前定论还言之过早。只要宪法规定的马来特权还存在,包括语言、国家宗教、州务大臣必须由马来人或回教徒出任等,巫基政党如巫统还是有它的角色
  • 同样的,只要华裔族群继续强调母语教育、宗教、神庙,华基政党的角色还不能被否决。只是,国阵成员党间的合作必须改变,不能再延续过去的模式。马华斗争的大原则,必须以全民利益为出发点
  • 民联政府实行的政权分享让全国人民大开眼界。例如在霹雳,虽然马来领袖出州务大臣,但华裔代表却主导州行政议会
  • 马华必须重新检讨和巫统的关系,重新建立平等的合作关系。巫统必须剔除老大的思维,要谦虚、不自满
  • 我们要紧记,今天人民有其他选择,巫统若要继续寻求全民的支持,就不能只谈马来人议程,相反的要一视同仁对待全民发展
  • 靠拢和个人关系为基础的合作已不能被接受,人民要公平、民主、透明、不种族化及贯彻真正争取分享的国阵,而不是主仆关系和乞舍文化
  • 人民投选了改革,所以马华要革新。这是不可否认的事实。调整斗争的方向和执行方式,要体现更果敢的处事态度,要敢怒敢言,敢做敢当








  • 马华失去了在州政府的行政权,但不代表我们就此消失。我们要接受选民的决定。我们要做的,是学习和扮演监督和制衡州政府的角色,确保他们履行职务,达到选民的期望
  • 当然,最重要的是,在这艰难时刻,我希望党员能团结一致,携手重建马华,如果对任何一位领袖不满,应等到党选时进行了结。目前,我们应该继续大选前未完成的工作,以实际行动挽民心,以在下届大选重新寻求人民的委托
  • 人民是以绩效评估政府和代表的表现,今天人民拒绝了国阵,若民盟政府表现不理想,相信人民也会公平判断
  • 要重建党,首先要改变做起,我们要坦诚检讨和纠正党内的弱点,不能因为个人因素而牺牲大局的将来
  • 重振党不能只靠几个人的力量,马华需要每一位党员的力量和自发性的合作,来促成整个党的改革。跳槽并不能解决事情



A big thank you to Han Jiang Student Association for inviting me to be the panel speaker in the forum titled "Analysing General Election, Discussing the future". There were about 1000 turnouts in the forum and I now share with you some of the things that I've said during the forum.

During the forum, I stressed that after the defeat of BN, there is a need to do self examination of why voters rejected BN. We should have the courage to admit our mistakes and weaknesses and for leadership to apologize to their members for this defeat.

Since this time's voting cut across racial line, a lot of people would think that ethnic based political party like UMNO and MCA will soon become irrelevant. We seem to now have a 2 party system in the country, BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR). PR-controlled state government will be watched by rakyat and BN to see how they perform in the coming years.

Ethnic-based political party will continue to have some relevance, but of course they need to change and reform. Voting this time has become non-racial because there are a lot of problems affecting every Malaysian and this include the inflation, corruption, abuse of power and religious issue. All these resulted in people wanting to teach BN government a lesson in the election. So, we should not be too fast to jump into conclusion that ethnic based political party will turn into political dinasour.

In a multiracial country like Malaysia, ethnic based political party still has a role to play. As long as Malay enjoys special rights, Islam is the official religion, head of state with the exception of Penang must be Malay/Muslim as stated in the constitution, there is still a role to be played by ethnic based political party even though our role will soon become more limited, unless rakyat start to view issues in a multiracial dimension. As long as there are Chinese who wants Chinese education, Chinese culture and Chinese temple, then there is a role for a Chinese-based political party.

Of course cooperation between BN component parties can never be the same as before. The concept of power sharing as practiced by PR in the state government is an eye opener to UMNO and MCA, moreover when the state government is dominated by Chinese although the Menteri Besar comes from Malay.

MCA needs to re-look at its relationship with UMNO. It has to be an equal status and equal right cooperation. The big brother mentality of UMNO has to go. UMNO leaders must begin to be humble, not to think that by default; they are the governing party. We must not forget that the rakyat has a choice today. If UMNO leader claim that he is leader of all races and not only Malay, then they should not just talk about Malay development agenda but national development agenda for all races. The idea that MCA must curry favour UMNO to get things done should be thrown out of window. Rakyat wants to see a BN government that is fair, democratic, transparent, non-racial and practices real power sharing and not a master in all relationships with other component parties. Then only can MCA be an efficient party in championing the rights of Chinese.

MCA must of course change and should be more multiracial in our outlook; instead of remaining as a Chinese-centric political party. We cannot be singing the same old tune of peace, stability and development since there is now the strong presence of opposition. With the opposition winning in the recently concluded election, this slogan will not sell anymore to the Chinese community. Voting for MCA will ensure Chinese representation in the cabinet and EXCO will also not sell anymore since they can now be representatives through PR.

MCA and wakil rakyats have this fixation that their job is to look after drains and garbage. Today people regard this as inefficiency of the local authority. Hence, our wakil rakyat need to do what the local authority should be doing but unable to do it well. Developing Chinese schools, relocation and funding has always been part of MCA's work. But today we need to do more. We should do things on a long term basis and we should have made announcements long before the general election.

MCA leaders need to be more vocal and high profile in championing our thoughts. Closed door meetings are no longer useful. Rakyat can accept a rise in political temperature because of racial issue. We must not be seen to only saying about Chinese right but must be seen to do it right. MCA cannot be seen to only concern about Chinese problems but should adapt to a more multiracial approach to all problems. Only by championing the cause of Chinese and all Malaysians will we then able to connect to rakyat. We must make our stand clear in issues affecting all Malaysians and not just Chinese. Hindraf is not just Indian's problem but also national issue. Then only MCA can project itself as a Chinese based party with a multiracial outlook.

In the PR controlled states, MCA found itself playing the role of opposition. It may not be easy for MCA members who are used to be a party in the government. So, we must learn how to monitor and to point out the short fall of the PR state government. MCA members must stay united and if they are not happy with the leadership, they have to wait until party election. It does not pay to blame anyone. We should continue to work to build up the good will and relationship established with local community. We must not forget if voters can throw us out, they will do the same to PR if they are not performing up to expectation. Jumping ship or hopping to other party will not solve MCA problem. We need your strength and your initiative to rebuild MCA.


Hasbullah Pit said...

Parti politik berasaskan kaum tidak semestinya dihapuskan, ia perlu untuk isu kebudayaan dan bahasa.

Parti berasaskan kaum yang terlalu besar akan menimbulkan masalah jika semua perkara diperkaumankan.

Sedangkan ia sepatutnya menjadi isu sampingan dan bukan isu utama

Anonymous said...

u are speaking my mind...







iamataxpayer said...

Why your MCA people (OKC) want to create a new (dirty) system in PK's states, such as $$ from federal goverment will goes to your own MCA people in new villege rather than go thru state's goverment? Why? Why can't you all cooperate with new PR goverment? Can't you MCA people think of "good" for Rakyat? Don't you think by doing that you all have killed the one last final chance to show the people a good new MCA? I have voted MCA for PRU11 and PRU12, and now, NO MORE and I will make sure everyday i should brain waste my friends around for that.
(Heavy Tax payer, a Johorian)

iamataxpayer said...


BN still the government, remember, 140 vs 82 in parliment? Why you sounded so worry? If so why don't you advice OKC, don't ever try to put a new system to unsure $$ from federal government should reached BN's people only (But not other RAKYAT). A reminder, $$ of federal government is belong to ALL RAKYAT, we pay Tax for that!

OKC thought the $$ is belong to MCA only??

Please remind another OTK (not the president, but the MOT), he should just go ahead to tell rakyat the truth of $$, not just talk only no action.

Unknown said...

Agreed with you that racial based political parties are still relevant.

However, the real question is : Are race based political parties the best way forward for Malaysia?

If it's not the best, why should you still stick with it?

LohSH said...

3/8 过后,马华必须痛定思痛,全面检讨马华的机制,思维,策略,施政方针和方法,找出它失败的根源,未雨绸缪,采取必要的步骤和行动,纠正错误,以避免重沓复辙。










3/8 过后,再也没有任何一个政党胆敢说自己可以单独治理这个国家,或是永远不会被击败,被取代的。





KIMHO8 said...

當然可以,何況大家都是馬來西亞人,只要理念都是一致。一致的理念就要從國陣各黨全民改革以平起平坐的被統一化以后才能開始,誰能確保以往巫統獨霸權益和自大妄為的作風真的會永遠的消失而不復返。一貫我行我素,一群猶如流氓,只有他大大聲講,沒有你講的官員,他們真的能夠接受霸權被消削的畫面嗎? 挑撥宗教和種族課題的事件也確定不會因此而發生嗎?

民盟目前的進度和效益,大家都能夠以目共睹。若能單一出發至到看到圓滿的畫面的可能性也絕對會發生,因為里面有很多充滿正義的年輕優秀人才!Dr.Chua, 今天至少你比現任的馬華兄弟幫強,很勇敢更有份量。因為馬華大哥們今天剛宣布他們還是讓巫統大哥牽住鼻子走比較安全;巫統永遠還是國陣的主導,我的媽呀!

Malaysian Coward Association

巫統為主導 = 一塵不變,老套話,不改革,

Ugama Melayu Nadi Operasi


CK Loh said...

However, the real question is : Are race based political parties the best way forward for Malaysia?

If it's not the best, why should you still stick with it?

Two party system with non-race based political parties are best to the rakyat. Rakyat just have to judge the last 5 years performance of the politic party and leaders, nothing else to vote in every election. And the political party and leaders will ensure they keep on improving themselves and not rest at their own laurel to continue elected by the rakyat. If you don't improve, you will be obselete. The competition encourage improvement.

Race base political party is beneficial to the politic party. The politic party
1) doesn't need to be good enough to handle global/national issues
2) doesn't need to keep on improving themselves, reinnovate and introduce new ways of doing things.
3) the leaders doesn't need to read books to be more knowledgable
4) the leaders doesn't need to improve on public speaking for open debates to talk about global/national issues

and lots more ...

The race base politic party just need to ensure the etnic that they represented have been protected, speak in behalf of them when necessary and ensure enough schools are build for them.

And no matter what performance on the politic party in the last 5 years on global/national issues, as long as the race base politic party done the job as at mentioned above, they will claim that they have done the best for the etnic, and the etnic must continue voting the race base politic party to protect their interest.

Which type of politic system will move Malaysia forward? Just look around, we already left far behind compare to the other nations. And we will continue going for the race base politic party system which benefits the party leaders more than the people,if those BN leaders does not have the paradigm shift.

There will reach a day, when if the BN leaders does not have the paradigm shift and keep on sticking to a political system that benefits more to them compare to the rakyat, the rakyat will vote them out.

Lysendar said...

Dear Dr.Chua,

From what i observed for the last GE, MCA didn't tackle the major and important issues. All the candidates only keep talking about OLD ISSUES like chinese education issue, chinese community issue and ect.... And i think thsese issues shouldn't be the topic as i should be settled in the past. Issues like inflation, crime, corruption, poor government delivery system, policies perceive only to favour a selected few, government’s inability to handle sensitive issue should be the main and important issues to be discussed. However, nobody touch on them. WHY??? Worry?? Scare?? I understand these might be sensitive, but these can be tackled wisely. My ideal MCA candidates are those who dared to speak out for all people but not only chinese on the major issues. Have the DARE-TO-DO mind set to work the Rakyat. Malaysia is a multiracial counry, therefore, each of us should be equal. In BN, although UMNO is the BIG BROTHER, however, MCA and other parties should have a equal opportunity to discuss the major issues. Not to just listen to BIG BROTHER and don't dared to speak out for rakyat. In an organisation, nobody is perfect. We need to listen to everybody's opinions and ideas. I am also working in a multiracial company, although i am the department head, however i listen to others. I am not perfect, i need my staffs to help to contribute ideas and opinions.
Although BN and MCA lost in the last GE, i think it not a bad thing. As everybody learn from mistake. However, BN and MCA will learn from mistake or not, we will see..... I really hope, and i think BN and MCA will wake up from the mistake and work closely with each other members in party to continue lead Malaysia to a better future. MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!

Anonymous said...

UMNO which its system of rent seekers, it will never change. UMNO still thinks it is number one.
It will lose even more seats that it and its partners will not have enough seats to form the next government. If MCA's future is depend on UMNO's change then it is going to be in trouble.

Daryl said...


KIMHO8 said...

馬華精明崇高廉潔的總會長,巫統里精彩的內斗連連,到底馬華幾時能宣布馬華也是主導統一國家的國陣政黨成員之一,說得到就要做得到? 難道馬華和巫統永遠不是平起平坐的工作伙伴,夫妻不睡在同一張床上,怎能生出孩子!那么公平公正美麗的畫面如何何時上映?等你等到我心痛, 等你等到沒有夢!

請馬華不要再為了自己的立場,繼續為波士做安撫華族之心的工作,他們只利用馬華來鞏固自己霸權的地位。他們強大了巫統,以維護回教和馬來人的權益的口號來欺騙自己的民族,也因此得到了支持和權益。國陣的其他政黨包括馬華,哼一聲都沒有,難道是打同一張牌嗎? 如果真的是為了華族,而被形容得那么偉大,敢敢站出來講和做,像民盟一樣有膽識!巫統的妄為,傲慢,自大和濫權的行為都是給國陣的小小兄弟們包括馬華給寵壞而成。情歸何處!

馬來西亞第三任首相馬哈迪醫生犯下了天大的惡行造成了今天的局面,還敢出來胡鬧。政府為何沒有采取任何行動? 難道有不可告人的內情,馬哈迪醫生真的變了受保護的小動物嗎? 情難了,愛難了?

Mr. Smith said...

MCA can do all it wants to reinvent itself or rebuild the party. But the whole exercise will come to naught if UMNO refuses to change, acts as Big Brother and remains corrupt.
You are running a three-legged race. If UMNO falls, MCA falls.

In any case MCA leaders lack charisma, guts, gumption and grit.
I would say MCA is irrelevant in this new political landscape. It is history.
The people have spoken and if MCA continues to go against the tide, it will end up a dinosaur.

I am for multi-racial parties so my views might be biased.

Vincent Wong said...

"Blogger CK Loh said...

However, the real question is : Are race based political parties the best way forward for Malaysia?

If it's not the best, why should you still stick with it?"

Indeed, Doc, why flog a dead horse? It would be better if MCA merge with other parties to form a multiracial party.

Race based ideologies are obsolete in this day and age, this is the age of tolerance where intolerance and discrimination in any form is frown on.

Even if MCA persist, it is a lost cause as UMNO will always outnumber MCA in members and number of seats in Parliament or State; hence is there such a thing as equal partners in BN? I rest my case.

shankar~selina said...

So long the the MCA is the servant of UMNO there is no hope. Welcome to the world of blog. First step. Be humble. and stop singing useless party songs.Stop the the race based crap. Grow up.

GuaBohSong said...

MCA had to stop their threatening tactic. You are not the boss, RAKYAT is the boss. RAKYAT that pay the money for the development of country. The money was not paid for the pocket of any individual politician.

I'm from New village, I so tired of MCA tactic on threatening the villagers, especially on the issue of new village housing lease (Geran).

Also I'm so tired with the serious corruption that happen within the government. Case happen like the assemblyman helping the villager to apply for the geran. However, when the geran was issued, it was found that the name on it was actually the relative of the assemblyman. Why such an obvious corruption happen and MCA never took any action to it's assemblyman!!!!

MCA, unless you show to us that you had changed. Else you don't ever dream of getting my vote. Some more, I will make sure that I keep on passing all these truth story to the ppl around me, to educate them to vote for the right and future of our next generation.

AnakMelaka said...

Dear Dr Chua,

I live in a Chinese majority area for 20+ yrs and from my observation, one of the main reasons is because MCA failed to tackle major concerns of the Chinese community eg body snatching (Mr Goh case in Negri Sembilan)

MCA can say/advertise that they are working in silent with UMNO to resolve these issues but the fact is "where is the result?"

no result=no vote

and now, Pakatan Rakyat has addressed these issues eg TOL Land becomes permanent land for the farmers. My Chinese friends can see results, once Pakatan Rakyat starts solving people's problems, ...GOODBYE BN.


Anonymous said...

DR are you true to yourself?

When in the Govt..I hardly hear a whimper from you..Now you are out, you talk "brave".

What would you do if you do go back in mainstream politics. As much as you want to speak up..UMNO will shut you up...because MCA got no balls. You are not an equal partner in BN. All the shit talk of working with UMNO, you get a kris pointed at you..amd MCA turned tail..and kept quiet. What relvance is MCA today. Ka Ting propose Ka chuan as there the best in there is . of the million members in MCA..there is no one but his brother. take is MCA will continue to lick asses

collosos said...


First I must say congratulation for starting this blog.

Hope this wise move will let you gain more ideas and opinions from other commentors.

I have several questions for you.

Are you aware of the "Four Occupations"?

Do you think these social hierarchy still valid in today globalized world?

What do you understand about capitalism and socialism?

Do you think wealthy, private individuals who called themselves bankers should be place at the very top of human food chain?

If not, what do you propose?

Then ask yourself this question,

What does MCA represent??

Malaysian Chinese businessmen-bankers-property developers or the "Shang" group of people.

Who should have the authority to create new money then?

Bankers or ????

Do please ponder deeply over my questions.

Unknown said...


I disagree with Artchan on his accusation on Chua Soi Lek. It is not fair to say that you did not hear a whisper when Chua was in the Cabinet. I could recall his statement in the press when he was still a Minister.While no one from the MCA has confronted Hishamuddin who raised up the keris,Chua spoken. He also mentioned it few weeks ago when he raised the Keris issue. He said that if Malay can raise Keris, then the Chinese should raise the saber (Kuan Dao).
Hey, what the hell MCA youth chief liong tiong lai is doing? should he has say something at least ask HIsham to shut up? They are both youth chief what?

Some of us may not like his "ang mo tik" character but when come to issue concerning majority interest, I always heard him defending rakyat's right. Like it or not, Chua was one of the more courageous ministers when he was still in the Cabinet. He spoke on Hindraf issue where he said that Hindraf is not only Indian’s problems but is the nation’s problem and this was raised way before his resignation.

I must say, artchan, it is unfair for you to make such claims towards Chua. He would have stayed on as a great minister if he was not set up by his political enemy that envied his bravery to speak up!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Chua,

First time visitor to your blog. And it seems like it deserves some credit. You are making several good points.

I take your stand that racial politics may still be relevant to this multi-racial country. And yes, the MCA should probably start looking at a wider scope rather than just building more Chinese schools and temples and what have you.

And yes, the big brother role that UMNO has so conveniently taken should be tapered down, and the MCA should be on equal footing with them.

But with all that said, what is being done? Do the "powers that be" have any idea what they should do in order for this to happen? What actions are they taking to get themselves up there with UMNO again, like our forefathers?

Change in the mentality of most of MCA's leaders should be in line. Perhaps you could do something about it?

And by the way, I'm not sure if you ever reply the comments that you get? Because it would actually be quite good if there was some response from your side towards what we have to say. This is, after all, supposed to be a dialogue.

All the best,

tiger50 said...

Dr Chua

I was at the Han Chiang meeting and frankly I was surprised to see the amount of clapping and show of support for what you said. In a place like Penang where 70% or more of the Chinese voted for the oposition, I was half expecting jeers and silence at the best. This shows that the Chinese are still supporting leaders irrespective of their political affliliations whom they percieved to be best able to represent their interest. In fact the Chinese realise that at this hour they need good and wise leaders more then ever as we are entering uncharted political waters.

monsterball said...

UMNO..MCA..MIC are out-dated racialists parties.
Chinese and Indian Schools wiLl still be thee...without these parties.
Pakatan Rayat party deserves to manage the country.....and once that happens....first thing..the entire... 50 year old one Constitution..being strengthened by UMNO for race and religion dirty politics will need amended..towards race...freedom of religions....specially for malays to more regions related to politics.
Until and unless...Malaysia is for Malaysians....true freedom of religions for all...we cannot succeed and advance.
We are at least ...25 years too late...under.. MCA..MIC.....and UMNO....and yet... they still talking race and religions...feeling so proud of their achievements for UMNO..Chinese schools by MCA ????...and MIC..really not worth talking Hindraf have exposed them.
That is exactly how they rule divide and rule. by playing race and religion politics.......using the amended strengthen the Malays...year by year...yet MCA ..MIC....Gerakan ......all kept puppets on the strings. Chinese business are real make use of make Chinese basically do not depend on the government.
That's why..from 50 years go..until now...majority middle class and poor Chinese opposition parties...particularly....DAP..for democracy in our jungle rule if UMNO owns us all.
Not once....MCA have exposed corruptions by UMNO...and when DAP exposed them...and then..treated by dirt.....did MCA ever stop playing politics..and support their own race....all being UMNO??
So under is dirty politics for 50 years and is out-dated. Malaysians want everything..that's bad. Pakatan Rakyat will do UMNO is simply...full of shit..yet MCA is so close to them..why...for the Chinese??...are you all nuts.....being brainwashed by UMNO...or opportunist politicians!!

Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.