
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

马华巫统合作关系掀新篇章?The cooperation between UMNO and MCA: How should it change?





First of all, BN must no longer take power for granted. As for cooperation in the context of BN, especially with UMNO can never be the same as before. It has to be equal partnership; same level playing field and we should have the courage to stand against UMNO if there is any injustice or unfairness.

To prevent Pakatan Rakyat continuing to do more damage to BN, it is time that BN face the political reality of the post 8th March election scenario. UMNO should learn to appreciate from its partners. UMNO needs a party to communicate with the community but not a yes man. If they raise the keris, it may seem to be culturally acceptable to the Malays, but to the Chinese, it is regarded as threat or hostility.

The MCA President must have the gut to object and not to plead or cajoled to get things done. Now, the cooperation is not just based on personal friendship and curry favour from UMNO. Otherwise, it will not go down well with Chinese community. MCA should not be just fighting about rights, but it must also fight for self-esteem of community that is at stake.

We want to see a BN that is able to ensure a just and equitable society where every Malaysian regardless of races has fair opportunity to succeed. This may include confronting UMNO leaders over the policy making process.

MCA must begin the process of institutionalizing the development of Chinese education, from relocation to building the schools. On this aspect, we must act fast before the MCA continues to fade into irrelevance because of inaction.

Tomorrow: How should MCA play the role of opposition?


LOT said...

MCA have to depend on dap to do its jobs for the chinese, malaysian, at the larger picture. What a joke. Time to close shop, mca ! Start from zero again if all of you would join dap or pkr!

Lysendar said...

i think it is time to do some changes for BN. As the member of BN everyone should stand in the equal position in order to serve the Rakyat. As the current situation that we faced, we need to do changes in order to survive. As we call ourself Malaysian, with regards of Malay, Chinese or Indian, everyone should stand in equal position. However, i think it will take some time to change, as i always believe that, nothing is impossible, it's only whether we want to do or not.

有话直说 said...



Anonymous said...

i think MCA shud aim higher to play bigger role in running the country. for tat, MCA must be party for all races. chinese support is a base, but it is a bottleneck without malays. when u want equal partnership, u must have equal number of votes, but now u dont, and at the mercy of UMNO and East Malaysia.

i think BN won big in 2004 was because of promise to change, 2008 lose big because failure to deliver. MCA as a part of BN, while looking at chinese needs, dont forget the country as a whole, it is not just UMNO or abdullah jobs to deliver GE2004 promise, pls do your part for the whole country!

hope MCA quicky regain itself from internal power fighting, help reform UMNO, BN. if resistance in UMNO and BN is too strong, consider becoming independance, use PR to balance BN.

Seng S Ong said...

BN, UMNO, MCA ... all are still in either shock or state of denial.

Cooperation between UMNO and MCA or equal status for two parties - all are not the main factors in this election.

Pak Lah said cyber warfare was the mistake for BN. Then, he said internal sabotage. Frankly, he can continue to say what-so-ever.

I don't belong to any political party. I used to vote for BN. However, for this election, I made sure I remind at least 3 persons a day to vote for alternative. The reasons:

a) Enough is enough. Corruption, abuse of power, discrimination, all policies from BN are out-dated and create frustration to all levels of people from various races.

b) Racial politics are out-dated.

c) We, rakyat, are suffering because of the incompetent government.

So, BN and MCA, you can continue and continue to find excuses for your defeat. For another 4 - 5 years, you all will be history.

Nature Admirer said...

UNFORTUNATELY, looking back the past 50 years of Malaysia history, the word "cooperation" does not even exist in BN. On one hand, UMNO leaders opted to ignore the meaning of "cooperation" which simply means "an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit; joint action or activity shared for mutual benefit." On the other hand, the other component BN parties acted on the ground of "no offences to the MASTER". How to cooperate if the other component parties do not even dare say no to UMNO? We will all never improve if this kind of "MASTER and KU LI" relationship persisted in any politics.In addition,voters have been extremely unhappy with the leaders for unfulfilled promises .The recently concluded election showed all that.

Anonymous said...

Support 有话直说 said...

and, to change, dont beg from umno la..

ppl yearly say ok then can build sch, but mca need to beg to build sch, more correctly is, 迁校, the puchong 1, build new sch oso need to sponser by IOI people... tat is, really shameful.

Bagan Blogger 峇眼博客 said...

how to prove this is your blog?????? or fake people there?

If u are fake We have right to send u to court!!

kangcs said...

In Barisan Nasional, 大家要公平,要有诚意,要有 result, 我们不要每天只会吵架,批评反对党的代议士,KAKI BOLEK 。(like Nazri, Muhammad Taib, Samy Vellu, Ong Kah Chuan, Zuang Tao Rong, Huang Yen Yen ... All must Out... :) )


有话直说 said...

敬爱的拿督蔡细历,本人觉得现在你最好的翻身机会就是出来支持前首相马哈迪,因为前首相马哈迪是扮演着一个很重要的角色,其实很多人低估了前首相马哈迪的力量,平等收入,或低收入的马来同胞里,你可以去做个小小的调查,10位里面还是9位讲前首相马哈迪bagus daripada当今的paklah,现在马华没有一位议员或部长敢站出来为前首相马哈迪说话,巫统走错了一步很错的棋,就是当今首相出来指责马哈迪,哈哈!!这是反对党最想要看见的事情,如果马哈迪被指控上庭,肯定会有很多马来族同胞出来示威,到时候巫统内乱或分裂,马华,民政,国大党,都会慢慢的被淘汰出局,到时民主联盟肯定不会收留任何外来党,只可以接受他们跳潮,加入民行,pkr,或pas任何一方,因为现在可以看到反对党执政的四州,已经出现太公分猪肉的一面了,自己都不够分了,为什么还要分给你们,是你们求我收留你,不是我去召你们,paklah现在面对四面楚歌,自己也冲昏了头不知如何是好,讲要传位给纳吉,你觉得纳吉敢接吗?前首相马哈迪是跟李光耀同一个阶级的人来的,千瓦....千万....别低估他的爆发了,(力量有如原子弹)你们等着瞧吧.


打救佛箭 said...


kangcs said...


我支持你出来竞选总会长或署理总会长, 希望你能和诗杰同志合作,共同拯救马华公会,不要让它变成黄氏工会。

勇敢的站出来表白吧!!! 你会东山再起的,马华等着你,华社需要你

Rowan Milton said...

... did u do the right thing?? yes but not timely enough. sorry.
i want to believe tht u were not one of the BN puppets. should u resign immediately after the newspaper exposing you in the infamous sex scandal rather then letting the PM to decide, am pretty sure u will have a much stronger support and a firmer ground to stand on. To turn around in less than 24 hrs later, i do question your motive.
Make one thing clear, i do not feel proud in you like many here do (what's there to be proud off? u pulled the trigger yourself), nevertheless, i do respect your courage.
Dr Chua, if this blog stunt pull off, i bet you rm500 tht u will return to politic in the very near future.

Anonymous said...


Dr. regarding selangor pig farm anti by umno and utusan, what is ur action and MCA action?

pizza said...

Dr Chua

The only true government at the center is UMNO government. There is no BN government. We need to get these terms straight first. Only then we can initiate further discussions.

Thus the concept of BN, MCA, Gerakan, MIC are all a myth. And most people have woken up to the fact.

Component parties are caught in the middle and have figure out how to get through this mess. I would suggest you consider co-operating with Pakatan Rakyat -- they need all the help to run the state governments.

There is no future in Umno led government. Umno may have a future, but definitely non- muslims do not trust it anymore.

UMNO does not seem to realize a basic truth that the country cannot move ahead if you ignore/supress the non-Bumis. They have to start thinking for all Malaysian -- I believe for the current crop ... that is a very tall order.

Darren said...

it's time MCA leave BN.

staying with UMNO will only sink the ship faster.

Unknown said...

Dr Chua, there was a letter in malaysiakini yesterday on land grab attempt by certain companies on smallholders. Please see link
What can you do to help if this is true?

Unknown said...

The present political scenario,to me,is a gift from GOD !! We should rejoice..For 50 years I have waited for this moment.I am an MCA life member..and, I am rejoicing,not feeling sad,not harbouring recrimination against the leaders unlike you!

What we experience (rejection by the rakyat) today is the ARROGANCE OF THE BIG BULLY UMNO..FLEXING ITS MUSCLES AND THUMPING ITS FISTS DARING THE RAKYAT,the chinese community,the MCA...and, where were you??? You too,did not have the guts to STAND UP and be counted when it matters.

With or without you the rakyat knows..KOAY HOON !!! KAR SEE E LANG!!!

Sorry, have had your chance....Just move-on.

If the past and present MCA LEADERS are deficient in discharging the trust and faith we, the chinese place on the MCA,IN MY SIMPLE MIND, you are equally and collectively guilty.



Partners think together,act together do everything together for the benefit of the country we rule together..Is this the relationship we have with UMNO?

Therefore, before you talk of co-operation,Better you re-examine the relationship.

Aiyaah,we are in the state we are in because of leaders like you in the first place. Time to move on..lah.Give other forward thinkig young leaders a chance.

WY said...

Hi Dr Chua,

Great to see you back in the arena. MCA needs more people like you, to keep it alive.

How do MCA change its cooperation with Umno? Start off with having less corrupted politicians!

Kevin Z said...

MCA already have the image of working for a corrupt & racist government.

It will have to break away from associating with corrupt & racist officials.

Any good that the party does won't be enough.
Without that, it's just gain an inch but lose a mile.

Action speaks louder than 'silent closed door' words.

This next few months, if nothing concrete is seen, most likely MCA will switch places with DAP.

You can thank OKT for changing the meaning of MCA to M'sian Cowards Association.

cinabaru said...

MCA will be facing a big headache to regain its strength as the rakyat especially the chinese now has started to feel, for the first time in their life in Malaysia, the impossible, that is being offered (without asking or begging) the freehold land titles of their homes in the new villages. Previously, the applications were normally took a long time to be approved. Many had waited a life time. others died without seeing the titles.Even that MCA had to be very "kamching" with the authority (land office) which is under the juridiction of menteri BESAR. How many previous menteri Besar really care about the chinese or the MCA. The MCA leaders be they local or national level, always had toe the line, always had to be careful of not hurting UMNO.No endlah......

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...

Some politicians who suffered dramatic losses in the general elections
Are still lost as to why these losses happened
After they had lost touch with their traditional supporters at all stations
They still wonder why their minds, while calculating the losses, are still not fully opened

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 100408
Thur. 10th April 2008.

pING said...

For my opinion, most of the chinese or people will be prefer what can MCA do in future, rather than keep on "倒黄". Why don't MCA did what they can promise to get back public support. Now a day, people will be very smart. we will not just listen what you all say, we will think and see for our own eyes. What really u all have done to us. "倒黄" or not will not be too important to public maybe to MCA. But I thought MCA form up is because want to help people. Really don't see any direction from MCA compare with DAP, PKR or PAS. We want people really can speak up to their right not only FOLLOW ORDERS. Wrong is Wrong. right now my self really like Mr 翁诗杰 so much, as he really brave and work so hard.

barry said...

Somebody mentioned that Dr Chua is making a comebackl, presumably to 'save MCA'. IMO, MCA is no longer relevant to the Chinese community in Malaysia, having been seen as a laplog to UMNO gulping down every little bit of crumps the UMNO "tuan's" throw down. The Chinese absolutely hate it when it is clearly shown that MCA is nothing but a scared child bullied by a bunch of ruthless bullies.

Rumours have it that, beside the porn videos circulating, there are other videos with a Malay girl. So, if these rumours prove to be true, then for Dr Chua's sake, please stay away from further embarassing yourself and your family. Join a NGO to fight the injustice that are ever present in Malaysia.

Anonymous said...


一, (水) 政治
慧眼笑看风云, 智者志取天下.
天生我才必有用, 君不见黄河之水天上来, 匯集百川合成海.

二, (木) 经济
扎根, 困中有木, 木在困中, 十年如一日, 明天又是一个十年; 资源共享, 大处着眼, 小处着手; 良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而事.

三, (火) 教育
因才施教, 因时施教, 因势施教.

一局, 三不, 五法

洞悉先机, 破局而立, 重新布局.

不知, 不懂, 不管
大局已定, 为了鼓励民主, 自由, 创意,需要无为而治.

想法, 看法, 说法, 做法, 手法

四, (土) 争, 争, 争, 更上一层楼
合纵连横, 虚则实之, 实则虚之, 争取实权, 以华治国.

五, (金) 添点金, 增点福
独中带统, 统中带独, 血浓于水, 五十知天命: 行难寸进, 自我造化.

有话直说 said...



笑看风云 said...

cooperation between UMNO and MCA??

1)if oneself don't have correct altitude, support,determination. how can you expect other to respect you.

2)my interpretation of
cooperation 合作
the 1st word is most important 合
look like
a) people one mouth
i think it means
your partner can say ;
you can also say, for communicate,negotiation.not accusation

b) you have to feed your mouth; i have to feed my mouth, so --- sharing.

maybe history have show us there are no enemy only conflict of interest.

Rowan Milton said...

will keep it simple and concise for fearing others falling into deep coma....

MCA > ditch the OKT, join the People's alliance.

UMNO has treated you like a second class citizen and u still let them stepped over you. OKT ..what a joker (sounds like music to yor ears huh Dr.?)

Pearls said...

How should it change? To be with more respect of course!

MCA should be more firm and stern with UMNO and stop all that glorifying UMNO nonsense. If UMNO has done wrong to the chinese race, speak up! Do what Lee Kim Sai did.. GANG UP with the opposition if you have to! What is this nonsense keeping quiet and at times butter up these UMNO arse with all sorts of out of this world reasons!?

It is not just Chinese issues that MCA need to make noise about, there are other issues that concerns the Chinese too and MCA should make noise about it. Issues like that stupid blinking bonkers idea of having dont know what sports training center in UK... aiyooo..even a blind can see is a blatant act to sapu taxpayers money into whoever's pocket! Like halloween like that you know!

Ok.. now, my turn to ask question. Why is MCA playing shadow exco with Selangor State? Why is there a need for MCA to form a shadow exco in Selangor State when there is one done by that Toyol boy fella (ex-MB la)? How can MCA allow UMNO to set a shadow exco in Opposition ruled states without any consideration to include MCA??! Nahhh..this is call disrespectful la! no mutual respect within BN at all. MCA not under BN ah? What the dickens la, 2shadow EXCO! What the dickens la, MCA still keep quiet about it!

Next question? Why is there a need for shadow exco in the first place? I think it is a blatant disrespectful thing to do! In the first place, it is not disrespectful to the party that is running the state now.. it is disrespectful to the people who voted them in!

Another, what qualifies BN (UMNO or MCA) to be shadow exco when BN themselves didn't do a good job running the states previously? The amount of nonsense that were happening were simply too much. I am surprised nobody died from it all!

Lysendar said...

Dear Dr. Chua,

Please comment on the 到黄运动 that happened at Perak!!


P/S: I did mentioned few days ago, but i didn't seen it. WHY??

ThinkingMan said...

I have two questions, that may help answer your point:
a) If MCA believes in the fact that BN is the successor of the original Alliance of the 1960s why then does it not act like a coalition partner when things are not right it will publicly say so and resign from the Govt as a mark of protest?
Ans: Self-interest (but feel free to correct this if it is incorrect)
b) If MCA is claimed to be a partner of UMNO and this partnership is illustrated in the BN then why (i) is the deputy president's position in BN not held by MCA; (ii) why are all the top positions in BN reflective of UMNO - UMNO Youth head is BN Youth head and (iii) why during the GE12 OKT stands after Datin Jeanne Abdullah like a lap dog?
Ans: Because MCA has no longer the legitimacy to be in Govt and it is there because of the grace of UMNO. In reality BN = UMNO and every politician in BN (MCA inc) is there for one thing - self-interest.
So YES MCA should start with some self-respect, and not be an UMNO floor mat. It should start by asking for what is fair and right - e.g. DPM position if its the next biggest party in BN - why cant have two DPMs? So a big YES for MCA to be relevant it must stop this pandering to UMNO for the last 40 years (at least in the late 1960s MCA president was prepared to walk out of the Alliance - according to the Book on Tun Dr Ismail - a true Malaysian)

So if MCA wants to change (and that's the point really) it can do so. All this preaching of working silently (as the ads said) is really not relevant. People want their leaders to show some courage. Fight the good fight. promote understanding and if a partner has wondered tell them they are wrong. If they refused to listen, then be a man of principle and resign. For what its worth we have seen so much NATO (No-Action_Talk_Only) from MCA that sometimes its a wonder that they were not treated for an illness.

But then that's my view. Please comment.

Unknown said...

If MCA is really thinks of chinese and would like to offer their service to people of Malaysia then it should cooperate with PR to develop Malaysia as a whole and not trying to play down PR.Oppose and provide alternative proposal when there is better way of doing thing but do not sabotage for the sake of toppling the ruling party.

If PR could manage the states much better compare to BN then for god sake do not change the system and let PR continue to manage.We had enough of BN so let us have some breathing space.

Welcome to my Blog

As a concerned MCA member, I am trying my best to help in the process of rebuilding and repositioning of the party.

Therefore, I welcome party members and members of public to post your constructive suggestions and opinions on my blog on how to rebuild and reform the party, eventually enabling MCA to regain support from all party members and the community.

Thank you for your suggestions.